More on the 4 of Cups

So many decisions, so little time…. Actually this card gives the impression that there is time to waste, but there’s not! When this card appears in a spread, the seeker is being given an opportunity that she may not recognize as opportunity. This is a bummer, because the longer she holds off, the less available it is to her.

When this card presents itself I feel a fog in the seeker’s dynamics. The seeker is involved so deeply in a certain way of living that it’s almost impossible for them to see what’s past the fog. It is possible, but they need something to jar them out of the forest. Something that snaps them out of their fog. It is also a card of not understanding what is important about their life and not feeling inspired. There is a need for a true sense of Spirit here and finding that is imperative.

The seeker has found her way through the fog and is ready to jump in the pool, so to speak! She takes the opportunity by storm and accepts new relationships and engagements. What once did not seem important, now shows itself as valuable to the seeker. Reversed, the seeker very well may have found a muse or what inspires her, and the fog clears.

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