Padmes Card of the Week — 8 of Cups — Time to move on!

Padmes Card of the Week 8 of cupsThis week we have the energy of both the 8 of Cups and the Card of the Month, 7 of Wands.

All of that releasing and letting go for the New Moon on the first in Capricorn is coming through in a big way. This week confirms feelings and insights that you’ve been getting for a while now. You can trust your intuition and honor your desires by letting go of anything that doesn’t support your newly-juiced intentions!

This week is not a time to sit back and be content with only counting your blessings. It’s a week for discernment and kick-starting. Moving on and forward is the idea here! This week is for being grateful that you can release things in your life that are not propelling you in the direction that you truly want to blast toward!

Padmes January Card of the MonthActually taking your energy away from that something holding you back is what the 8 of Cups represents. Often it’s been a long time coming and you’ve known for a while that this person, situation, habit, relationship has been a train wreck and doesn’t seem to be flowing or fixing itself… Staying with this energy instead of leaving it in the dust will, almost like negative magnets being forced together, keep you from your truth and flow.

This is all about emotional attachment that has kept you here with this situation. No matter how strong the cling, the Universe is on your side! You have permission. You can do it! Release it and walk forward away from it. Any fear that keeps you stuck is simply that: fear. When you walk away and let go of that attachment, you’ll find yourself empowered.

This is a time when you’re being called to something higher and you must heed that call. This is your greatest self that is speaking to you. Listen!


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