Padmes Card of the Week — 2 of Cups — Gentle Healing and Forgiveness

Padmes Card of the Week 2 of cupsThis week we’re still in the energy of the 7 of wands and now we have waves of energy represented by the 2 of cups.

From healing yourself to forgiving yourself and others, this combination is showing movement toward alignment in many areas of your life. Whew.

Positive conflict resolution can happen this week. Parties and participants can see both sides of an issue and can make some compromises that can actually maintain contentment for everyone. Emotional balance is afoot. After that Spa day last week, we’re ready for decision making and can do it in just a way that works splendidly for not only our greatest outcome, but for everyone around us.

Padmes January Card of the MonthDecisions this week that may have to do with you and what you thought might shake others up will take a turn and be gracefully received. So this is perfect timing to speak your truth, express your truth, and honor your truth with the people who are most important to you.

In work situations your needs will be acknowledged instead of ignored. This week is good timing for brainstorming and creating group-effort systems that work better than the original plans.

The 2 of Cups also indicates friendships, new relationships, kindred spirits, and relationships moving in a new direction as a result of time spent together and commonalities. Whether there’s romance in the air or you have a new bestie, a relationship is heart-felt.

This week is not the week to keep your feelings to yourself. It’s time to share and acknowledge your appreciation of others and to be honest about your feelings whether it’s with someone else, or being honest with yourself about how you feel.

With the energy of the 7 of wands, the 2 of Cups can be a nudge to do some self-forgiving. Making some difficult decisions and having to stand up for some boundaries that needed to be made, perhaps for some time, can pull out feelings of upset around being a hardass. Even though there was a need for boundaries to happen, guilt about having to make done-deal decisions can become heavy on the conscience. It’s time to let that go. Forgive yourself. And if you know someone else who had to do some boundary enforcing, forgive them while you’re at it. Have some tea and hug it out.


January 2014 Goddess Reiki Share

Adi Shakti HooponoponoOur first Goddess Reiki Share at Adi Shakti was amazing.

We started setting up the room and setting the space with Reiki energy before everyone arrived and very quickly realized that this place was a grounding mecca! We were jolted—but only for a split second. We both looked at each other and laughed at our surprise. Of course this place was grounding, it’s a Kundalini Yoga Sanctuary! haahhaha!

As everyone arrived we were listening to all the observations, “Wow, this place feels good.” “You can feel how calm and aligned it is here.” “Healing work must happen here all the time.” Yes, let the healing commence!

We did some initial introductions and shared what was going on since last we met. There were new goddesses and returning goddesses alike, so it was nice to learn about new healers and catch up with friends. There were a couple stories of coming back to a self-healing place in the ebb and flow of that tide. And there was news of family in need of great healing after a diagnosis that wasn’t easy to hear.

We gather to help each other, to honor each other, to learn, to share, and to heal ourselves, each other, and our loved ones. I’m so grateful that we were able to meet this night and be the support that each of us needed.

We all bring special crystals or Tarot cards, or other things close to our hearts to infuse on the Reiki grid. One of our sisters brought a box full of gemstone bracelets of all different kinds for everyone to choose and take home as a gift. So sweet! And thank you so much!

Adi ShaktiI didn’t know much about the stone I was drawn to and had to look up to learn more. It was so right on in terms of what was going on with me and what I needed to support myself at this time. Synchronicites always amaze and encourage me. I talked with others too who had similar experiences and are thrilled with their special present!

As always, I wish I had taken better pictures… and MORE pictures! Once we get going, it’s the last thing I’m thinking about. I’m going to have to get good at this because it’s worth seeing everyone in action.

Thank you beautiful Reiki Goddesses for a lovely evening. I look forward to seeing you again soon!



Padmes Card of the Week — 4 of Swords — Head to the Spa

Padmes Card of the Week 4 of swordsThis week’s energy represents the 4 of Swords with the card of the Month’s energy, the 7 of wands.

It’s time to do a little meditating on a particular challenge or quandary that is keeping you from action. The 4 of swords is also a signal to rejuvenate. Ok, and if you want to know, this is my SPA card. It’s the card that tells me it’s time for a massage, pedicure, eucalyptus steam room, and anti-aging facial. Especially with the 7 of wands all about self care….

Relaxing and giving yourself the space to rest and recharge is important when it comes to making decisions and life choices. Under stress and with anxiety stuck in your heart chakra, you’re not going to be able to see the magical forest from the trees. Time to switch gears and give yourself permission to check in to the day spa for a few hours. If you can go on a vacation, even better.

The 4 of swords is an indicator that any choices worth making are not going to be fly-by-the-seat-of-your-fancy-pants decisions. You can take some time to feel this out. You don’t have to be pressured to set that thing in stone just yet. Sleep on it. Meditate on it. Manicure on it. Yoga on it.

Padmes January Card of the MonthBecause of all the releasing that’s been going on lately, there’s also a strong pull for incubation. This has to do with you just giving yourself a break in order to let your body integrate all this new space and higher frequencies it has been acquiring. Let your body do some recuperating and get some good rest. There’s a need for resetting energetically and physically.

This week is not the time to do tons of socializing, talking on the phone for hours, making deals happen, or going on shopping expeditions. And it’s also not the week to do a ton of emotional processing. The processing that needs to happen is coming from a calm heart space. Take a deep breath and pour a bunch of Lavender salt in your bath.


Padmes Card of the Week — 8 of Cups — Time to move on!

Padmes Card of the Week 8 of cupsThis week we have the energy of both the 8 of Cups and the Card of the Month, 7 of Wands.

All of that releasing and letting go for the New Moon on the first in Capricorn is coming through in a big way. This week confirms feelings and insights that you’ve been getting for a while now. You can trust your intuition and honor your desires by letting go of anything that doesn’t support your newly-juiced intentions!

This week is not a time to sit back and be content with only counting your blessings. It’s a week for discernment and kick-starting. Moving on and forward is the idea here! This week is for being grateful that you can release things in your life that are not propelling you in the direction that you truly want to blast toward!

Padmes January Card of the MonthActually taking your energy away from that something holding you back is what the 8 of Cups represents. Often it’s been a long time coming and you’ve known for a while that this person, situation, habit, relationship has been a train wreck and doesn’t seem to be flowing or fixing itself… Staying with this energy instead of leaving it in the dust will, almost like negative magnets being forced together, keep you from your truth and flow.

This is all about emotional attachment that has kept you here with this situation. No matter how strong the cling, the Universe is on your side! You have permission. You can do it! Release it and walk forward away from it. Any fear that keeps you stuck is simply that: fear. When you walk away and let go of that attachment, you’ll find yourself empowered.

This is a time when you’re being called to something higher and you must heed that call. This is your greatest self that is speaking to you. Listen!


The Fitting Card of the Month: 7 of Wands —Take Action to Honor Your Worth!

Padmes January Card of the MonthHappy New Year! Yes, the 7 of Wands is about making resolutions and sticking to them!

It’s time to make life changes and decisions that are long-lasting and truly beneficial for your quality of life. SELF CARE is the main idea here: the importance of knowing your worth and taking care because you hold the spark within you that is Divine. When this card is drawn there is a need for working toward better things for yourself and the betterment of situations by taking action-steps to honor your worth.

When life, situations, or your environment get rocky, the 7 of wands tells you not to back down. When you don’t feel like tuning in, do it anyway. This month is not about giving your power away. On the contrary, this month is about easily aligning with your power by deep grounding in self-acceptance. I AM That I AM, Word I AM Word. You are here for a purpose, now flow into it.

Standing up for yourself and your opinions is a must in January. “My way or the Highway” is this month’s motto. Standing your ground and leaning into your truth when it comes to career and finances will bode well for you this month.

Healthwise, you are the ultimate decider. You know what your body needs. Your friend benefits from running, but your body may be better off doing Barre class. You know which is best for you, and you don’t have to sway or be talked into anything. Do what you know is best for your body. Same goes for your diet. Your friend is vegan, and your body craves meat for its protein. Bless it and eat it. This is your intuition that tells you what is best for you.

When it comes to conflict this month, it’s imperative to hold strong on what is important to you. In the long run, your comfort with this issue(s) will make a difference in a part of your life that you don’t want to compromise on for future progression.

January is about really listening to yourself, your body and your heart. Honor your own opinion and trust your feelings in order to move forward in your flow.
Padmes Reiki Readings & Soul Path Healing