Gemini Tarotscope for October 2014—The Empress

Gemini Tarotscope October 2014Gemini Tarotscope October 2014

What a great card for Gemini this month. Talk about creative energy. And Gemini is all about creating and then creating more. It is said that creativity breeds more creativity, and the Empress is the core of that abundance. Careerwise, this is an abundant move, play, or stretch for you. This is the time when you’re putting it all together and setting up your harvest. It also looks as if you’ve learned from a full past of lessons, some positive, and some not so, but the main ingredient here is education. You’ve had yours in this realm and it’s working for you.

Relationships this month need specific nurturing. Whatever you have to do to bond a relationship together, that’s what you do. Not a time to blow off meetings, gatherings, or lunches. Nurture, nurture, nurture. The grass is greener where you water it. Cultivate your relationships and resources now to be better aligned in the near future when you’ll need these friends to come through.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014Communing with the outdoors, being One with nature, taking time to sit in the leaves, hike through the pumpkins and climb through the mountains is a good way to re-energize and ground this Halloween month. Gaining insight and grounding in nature is what will keep you sharp and soft at the same time, rather than all riled up with too much edge. Connection with nature keeps you on your toes and relaxed at the same time when you have to respond on the fly.

Also, a possible month for pregnancy, so take heed!

Taurus Tarotscope for October 2014—King of Wands

Taurus Tarotscope October 2014 King of WandsEnergy of the King, just like you like it, Taurus, but this month you may find yourself wanting to be the one who brings everyone together to celebrate your creative genius by giving credit to others who deserve it too. Winning friends and influencing players is where it’s at this month, Bull. You’re on the right track with your words of wisdom, your edits, and your team selection. It’s almost like you’re everywhere at once because you have eyes and ears working for you all over the map. Almost like The Following… but maybe not as creepy.

This King also tells you that your visions and dreams are there to be realized. It’s your duty to yourself to find a way to make your dreams a reality. You have the passion to bring your ideals to light, so get in there and bring forth your sparkle!

When it comes to relationships this month, passion reigns again. An all-consuming type of relationship could be in your midst. You don’t have to shy away from it. In fact, this could be what you’ve been dreaming for all along. It’s the kind of pairing that can take on a Universe of its own. If that’s scary for you, you’re in for a wild and exciting ride.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014When you’re looking at how your body, mind, and spirit are relating and moving forward in the physical world, it’s important to make sure that you’re looking at things with your own point of reference. Not following someone else’s path, ideas, or belief system is important in this arena. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind? That’s the main highlight here. Trust in your own intuition and follow what feels right for you when it comes to your health.

Aries Tarotscope for October 2014—10 of Wands reversed

Aries Tarotscope Oct. 2014 10 of wands reversedAries Tarotscope October 2014

Oh, Aries, it’s a month to let it all go. All of those burdens that you’ve been giving a home to rest their tired tootsies? It’s time to go and brush your shoulder off, kick them to the curb, let someone else do their bidding. It’s time to free yourself of mundane activities that are taking up too much of your time and sucking your will to live. It’s time to reevaluate what you’re doing that is actually holding you back, stealing your time, and aging you beyond your years and either reestablish a better way of doing things, or seriously drop some things off the cliff.

It being Mercury Retrograde and all, I would suggest waiting to make anything official that needs signing or otherwise lawyering up to change until at least Nov. 1st. Beyond that, it’s the perfect time to plan, brainstorm, and research your next steps. It’s time to take it easy, let go of some stress and hit the hot springs. Soak in a tub for a bit and consider saying NO sometimes. As a matter of fact… Consider saying it several times this month. Overextending your self is bringing on some serious physical symptoms that could be remedied with some good sleep, good food (Not sugar and caffeine), and positive thinking!

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014You could actually be working more efficiently if you let some of these things go that no longer serve you. And most of them aren’t even yours. Stop struggling and start engaging in your best well-being. This retrograde could really serve you if you’re available to listen and receive. It’s okay to be selfish. You can’t take care of everybody anyway when you’re so exhausted that you’re a walking zombie. You have permission to regroup!

Find your Tarotscope:

 Aries October 2014 Tarotscope

Taurus October 2014 Tarotscope

Gemini October 2014 Tarotscope

Cancer October 2014 Tarotscope

Leo October 2014 Tarotscope

Virgo October 2014 Tarotscope

Libra October 2014 Tarotscope

Scorpio October 2014 Tarotscope

Sagittarius October 2014 Tarotscope

Capricorn October 2014 Tarotscope

Aquarius October 2014 Tarotscope

Pisces October 2014 Tarotscope

Padmes Tarotscopes for September 2014

Padmes Tarotscopes September 2014Aries (March 21-April 19) Tarot: 6 of Wands
—Personal Victory

This month the ability to overcome challenges is in the ethers. If your desire is to move forward and get out of a current situation that isn’t working optimally for you, or you’ve just had it and it’s time to start fresh with a new lifestyle or an endeavor—positive energy follows you this month. You will have to do the follow-through to get the success that you’re wanting, but the momentum is there and ready for you to hone it.

It’s a lucky month for gaining any type of “help” that you need. Even things that seemed over and done can make a comeback in your favor. Social friends and professional friends are at hand in a pinch. It’s a good month for playful fun. Any financial difficulties will be resolved. There’s also luck in love and appearing sparklie to someone that you want to attract into your life.

Tidbit to keep in mind: sometimes victory is something you don’t have to share. Just knowing that you have succeeded can be enough. Private victory can be powerful cultivation for future victories.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Hawthorne Stone: Citrine Chakra: Solar Plexus

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Tarot: The Star
—Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Healing

This can be a defining month for you, Taurus. If you’re challenged by what your purpose is in life or how you’re going to achieve spiritual happiness and contentment, or you’re wanting to really release your past and the effects it has had on your current conditions, you can rest assured that things will work out more positively than you perhaps thought it could.

Following your true path is exactly what the Star’s message is. It’s all about your own faith in your true self and flow with the Universe. Even if it seems far out of reach, the Star tells us not to waiver. Continue taking steps toward your dream—no matter how small the step is, take one every day toward your truth and you will get to your destination.

This month be prepared for a squirrely altercation at work. You can overcome this by staying as neutral as possible and curbing any rage issues you might be oppressing… Overreacting to this is a sign for you to take care of an unresolved issue that happened in your past, and most likely in your childhood, not this work situation. This is part of releasing your past in order to get closer to your greatest well-being.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Skullcap Stone: Amethyst Chakra: Crown

Gemini (May 21-June 20,21) Tarot: 7 of Swords
—More Understanding of the Situation is Needed

There’s a difference between appeasing someone and truly wanting to help them because you love them and want them to be happy. And they know the difference! So check your true intentions. Are you in a situation where your actions revolve around not wanting to hear the end of it, or are they aligned with the whole’s greater good? “I serve at the pleasure of the President…” It’s time to ask yourself why and figure out if this is the perfect situation for you, or a situation that is ultimately sucking the life out of you.

This is also a month to figure things out on your own. A deep reflective time for you. It’s not the time to share with a friend or confide about the self-reflection that is going on for you. Being too trusting with some valuable information is not a good idea at this time. Sharing awesome ideas with someone seemingly off the cuff may render some ownership rights issues. There’s also a point about not sharing your opinions or feelings about particular situations. The right time will present itself for you to voice your thoughts, and sometimes it’s perfectly effective to voice your truth—but this month, keep it on the lolo.

Spiritual Tools for September: Herb: Wood Betony Stone: Sodalite Chakra: Throat

Cancer (June 21,22-July22) Tarot: 9 of Cups
—The Wish Card

There is a contentment and security that is felt after you’ve had a good, nourishing meal in an environment that exudes safety. And in safety, I mean everything is in place. It’s beautiful, comfortable, all your needs are met. All your fears for the moment are quelled. “ I am safe, I am loved, I am centered.” This is your mantra for the month, Cancer.

Emotional satisfaction in all aspects of life can be felt this month. Relax into this feeling of Oneness awareness and True Self awareness. This is where even more abundance can grow. You’re in the center of it and its deep fulfillment can continue for the rest of the year if you cultivate it. It’s important to really focus on those things that bring you comfort and feelings of peace and not those things that drive you bat shit crazy. Your actions about your surroundings and what you have brought into your life up to this point are as important as your thoughts about them.

There’s also the calling to connect with your inner child and help her out with some emotions that aren’t resolved from her past. You can give her presents and feed her chocolate this month. She needs some comfort and acknowledgement so that she can release these fearful and heartfelt things from long ago. It will also be a good exercise for your manifesting endeavors.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Squawvine Stone: Labradorite Chakra: Solar Plexus

Leo (July 23-August 22) Tarot: King of Wands
—Exuding not so quiet confidence can work for you this month

The big planning part of a business endeavor is upon you. Development of this plan can be influenced by a colleague or financial partner in a big way. You can let yourself relax, Leo, if you can make your confidence work for you. You set a standard that you’re reliant and an effective leader making sure to delegate in a way that is extraordinarily accurate in placing people where their personal skills shine. You can easily connect with others who appreciate your charm and who will love to be part of your amazing ideas and process.

You’re motivated now to create something magical. You have the vision and the big-picture view that is needed to see this through to the end. You can bring others on board who share your vision, but be careful not to add someone to the mix who wants to change the project and make it their own. It just won’t work in this situation. You are the spearhead, so take the lead. No need to argue about anything, just trust what you feel and match your words and decisions to those feelings.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Cinnamon Stone: Chalcedony Chakra: Solar Plexus

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Tarot: Ace of Wands reversed
—Hold up! Don’t Act Just Yet. It’s Time to do Some Recon

The spark of an idea this month is not enough to go on in the grand scheme of things. It needs more thought and research. Throwing your hands up and giving up is not the solution. If you’re too tired to continue with this line of creative thinking, give it a rest. It may even be time to do a little free associating in picture form, painting, or drawing in order to clear some cobwebs and get to a place where your words aren’t running the show.

This is just the beginning, even though your original idea may change considerably. Give this a chance, but give yourself some time to get there. Don’t let non-approval or lack of acknowledgement get you down. There’s more to do here, and you may have a different audience that you have yet to consider.

There are energetic patterns that have been set up in your past that are no longer working for you. It’s time to refresh and renew in order to release past blocks that may be hindering your romantic life and your creative work projects. It’s time for some energy work. Kundalini Reiki, manifesting true-self space awareness, or sitting in Epsom salts are all good for you this month.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Chamomile Stone: Black Tourmoline Chakra: Solar Plexus

Libra (September 23-October 22) Tarot: King of Pentacles reversed
—Think Twice before Blowing Off an Obligation

It’s time to look at some logistics this month. Take some inventory of your goals and ideals and where you’re going in life. In the big scope of things, make a will; make sure all your “papers” are in order so you don’t have to think about it again. It will give you some freedom to move forward and not have anything hanging over your head. Part of this is an emotional tie that feeds procrastination. Squash it! This does not have to be emotional. You can get your ducks in a row and feel empowered. This will actually help you in all aspects of your life’s pursuits.

You’re not spinning your wheels. These decisions are important, but you don’t have to do everything in 24 hours. Just make some goals and focus on them and then, methodically, move on to the next. Give yourself a plan that you can stick to so that you can achieve some practical life queries. Then you can go play.

Not tending to things that need attention will pull you down in the long run. Not a month to throw things to the wind. Get prepared, whether it’s diet, exercise, planning a trip or expenditure, or creating a savings account for something specific. You are worth this process. And you are strong enough to get this done.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Alfalfa Stone: Fluorite Chakra: Heart

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Tarot: Page of Wands
—Universal flow can carry you if you choose to step into it

Recognizing your part in the flow and your part in the halting of the flow is what this month is about. What do you do to stop your Universal flow? Or what triggers you to step out of your flow? It’s time to create a fool-proof plan so that you can have your cake and eat it too.

This month is holding you in sacred space for beginning a project or life plan that has to do with work that you love. When you can feel present in your process and match your actions to your feelings, you are in the flow. Creativity creates creativity. Abundance creates more abundance! It’s time to own your brilliance and do everything you can to make your goals come into fruition. There’s something to be said about learning for the very sake of bringing new ideas into your energy field. Take the Universe by storm! Be part of the energy that makes dreams come true. (You already are, it’s just a decision to believe it.)

Be open to new communications and to reaching out when you find something that someone has done that sparks your interest. Curious inquiries can lead to big changes and opportunities. New friends, new places, new ways of looking at your life are afoot this month. Exciting possibilities.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Shepherd’s Purse Stone: Carnelian Chakra: Solar Plexus

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Tarot: 5 of Pentacles
—When the student is ready

This month looks like it could be filled with lessons in growth that propel you spiritually. September has a yoga pose or two that could bring you out of unconsciousness. Moving into those uncomfortable yoga poses can often bring our greatest self forward. The part that is strong, enduring, and that can ultimately surrender and trust in the Universe; trust a part of ourselves that we once were not aware of to even acknowledge.

This card indicates a time when we can be quite self-deprecating whether out loud or in our minds, but it’s a form of processing and incubation. Not a place to linger for too long, but a place to observe when it arises. Usually when this occurs, hands are extended and love is being offered, but we may feel undeserving, or too wrapped up in our own minds to see that we’re surrounded by support.

This is also a time when things can work out in your favor after what seems to be hardship. It’s a time when preparedness and resourcefulness can be an asset. If you’re in need of a new system that works better than the one you’ve been using, you could get genius and create amazing solutions.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Mugwort Stone: Jade Chakra: Solar Plexus

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Tarot: The Devil reversed
—The ability to shed patterns that no longer serve you

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Congratulations! You’re free! You are now able to see patterns and habits that no longer serve you and fully release them. Believe it. Those patterns that would keep you circling and cycling through the same mud that made you feel as if you were getting nowhere in a situation you desperately wanted to transcend? You have seen the light. And now you don’t have to be crazy any more.

It’s time to be open about your true desires and forgiving of yourself and others who have tried to steer you on a path of their liking instead of your truth. This new insight can bring you to greater places in your journey of finding full trust of self. We hide things from ourselves periodically out of fear of change, or fear of truth. But when it’s out, it’s out, and usually for the better.

This card reversed also indicates a strong pull to Spirit. It’s about not only releasing blocks, but releasing the attachment to things that keep us unconscious to our true Spirit. Settling in this month to a particular meditation or just giving yourself time and permission to center and drop into heartspace will help integrate this new energy swirling around your field. Take it and pull it in. It’s your new freedom to enjoy.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Lobelia Stone: Smoky Quartz Chakra: Root

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Tarot: King of Swords reversed
—Bite your tongue

This month is about being discerning. In any business, personal, or emotional dealings it’s important to come from your heartspace. Take a breath before speaking; take a day to make decisions instead of being impetuous. Take a week to set up systems. Time to think things through. Try not to hurry anything up this month, even if you may feel like it or the pressure’s on… Take your time and know you’ve made the right decisions for the situations at hand.

If there are feelings of angst relating to nothing falling into place as you wished or when you wished, patience is needed. Give it some time to come back around. Filling your heart with fear or sadness instead of being open to infinite possibilities can be your biggest setback this month if you’re not careful. You may miss opportunities if you’re stewing and your head is down.

Be methodical and unwavering emotionally when it comes to anything having to do with financial matters or business deals, legal signings, and partnership credibility. Do what you need to do to get information that will satisfy your mind, which seems to be going monkey. It will save you some heat in the future.

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: St. Johnswort Stone: Tiger’s Eye Chakra: Heart

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Tarot: 8 of Wands
—(Also the card of the month…)Get ready for a whirlwind

Communication and fast dealings this month will set the momentum for future success. Get grounded so that all that is spoken, written, or otherwise communicated about romance, new opportunities, and gatherings of any kind will work for you in the most effective ways. Thoughts about expanding creatively can feel like channeling angel messages for yourself and your greatest good. So pay attention to your stream of thought consciousness when you’re brainstorming.

Any kind travel is perfect. Planning a trip this month is also successful. You’ll make the connections and see specifics that you can flawlessly marry together to create something wonderful. Taking care of arrangements in a timely matter is what will bring you the best results.

This can be quite a social month for you. You can be on the phone a lot if you’re not careful! Having tea, being a lady who lunches, you could get this rep by the time September’s over if you haven’t already! This is the perfect month to celebrate things finally going through and finalization in on-going matters. You could be feeling generous this month and want to give gifts. Yay!

Spiritual tools for September: Herb: Sassafras Stone: Black Onyx Chakra: Solar Plexus

Padmes Tarotscopes for August 2014

Padmes Tarotscopes August 2014

Aries (March 21-April 19) Tarot: Justice—Get clear about your intentions and authenticity

This month there is a need for better inner balance. It’s important at this time to step outside the situation and see the big picture—what is really going on as a whole, not just from your perspective. Then make decisions accordingly. It’s important to make non-emotional decisions to gain balance. This is not a time to relax and go to the spa for inner balance. Instead, the pull for action-oriented work and accountability will bring you equilibrium.

When it comes to health and meditation, exercise can be a focus and a practice as well as discrimination relating to food, friends, and places of travel. It’s time to look at all sides of an issue, not just the side that pops up first from habit, practice, or family/collective consciousness. A release of old ties is necessary.

This month call to your higher self to bring alignment, removing pain and irritability in order to fulfill a clarity of intention. If you are honest and transparent in your business and relationships, outcomes will work in your favor this month. Examine how fair you’re being to yourself. Weigh your strengths and weaknesses in all situations and be honest about your continuing and ongoing part and responsibility in a project or group.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: plantain Stone: White topaz Chakra: Heart

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Tarot: The Moon reversed—Instead of denial, identify your emotional truth and nurture it

This August is focused on spiritual evolution, which brings on a physical evolution for Taurus. As the Moon is reversed, we are looking at over-doing it with drugs, alcohol, emotional overload, or over-reacting to situations because we’re responding to PTSD and emotional trauma instead of the actual situation at hand. For you, Taurus, being this out of control is a definite time to pull it in and take a good look at what is affecting you from the long-ago past. Are you being triggered by the feelings of betrayal? Your partners will appreciate this evolution if you can get to the heart of it and be real about what’s going on with you.

Giving up the power position to gain understanding of self is highlighted at this time. When you can release the self-proclaimed responsibility of authority and can trust that you are in alignment with the Universe, you can excel and prosper in a way that you have not yet felt.

There is a need to look inward so deeply that wounds you don’t want to revisit rise to the surface. Coming to terms with the past is up at this time. Diffusing hurtful times and taking the charge out of experiences that were traumatizing is advisable during the month of August. Find an amazing EFT or EMDR therapist. Partake in soul retrieval. Go to a clairvoyant energy worker. Take some action that will bring you back to your center.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Lemon Balm Stone: Rhodochrosite Chakra: Sacral

Gemini (May 21-June 20,21) Tarot: The Fool and The World reversed—Honor your Truth

Two cards presented themselves for Gemini this month. These two cards together represent a need for faith, trust in the process, and Oneness with the Divine; passion to move ahead with the understanding that You are Divine. Your intuition is a guiding force that moves you to your next endeavor. The World speaks of our ability to bring what it is that we seek into the physical. The Fool takes that as truth, almost taking it for granted. Trust is what is needed here. There is a sense of resistance to your Divine Self. The Divine part of you that can map out what you want and need at this time.

When you’re not privy to your own false limiting beliefs or your procrastination originating from these false beliefs, and further the responsibility you have to yourself to engage in the present and walk forward into your destiny with your free will intact, you are not only being a disservice to your own plan, but to others who are in this incarnation with you. (No pressure.)

This month is about being present and coming to terms with your past so that you can be fully in this moment. (“Remember who you were before others told you who you are.”) This month is about seeing your authentic truth in the whole of our environment and not through someone else’s eyes.

Spiritual Tools for August: Herb: Comfrey Stone: Lapis Lazuli Chakra: Throat

Cancer (June 21,22-July22) Tarot: Ace of Pentacles—Time to ground and shine through your actions

Cancer, this month’s energy you can really bask in—balancing root power from the earth and your watery nature. Living in balance with the nature spirits and the earth around you, this card is about living our truths. It’s time to let go of what is not our greatest good and embrace what is truly our power in this incarnation; What we’re truly here to do. It is the time to not only let go of non-supportive patterns, relationships, and thought spirals, but to become aware of them in order for a full release to take place.

This month is about seeking balance with all that we encounter: dynamics of the relationships that we have cultivated (or released), our home, health, work, and spiritual lives. This is about nurturing ourselves and opening to receive nurturing from other aspects around us. Being able to receive our greatest good is the key idea here—not empathing others emotions or motivations or healing for others instead of self. There is a need to get resistance and blockages out of your energy field in order to fully stand in your power.

In releasing energy that does not serve, we are open to plant the seeds of new life and cultivate their growth. Being grounded is August’s goal. Be present. Be whole. Honoring your own sense truth. Embracing and feeling joy in a new sense of self. Do you, boo.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Grains Stone: Rose Quartz Chakra: Solar Plexus

Leo (July 23-August 22) Tarot: Three of Wands and Ace of Swords reversed—Do not move forward in an endeavor when you know something is off

First and foremost, it is important at this time to make your needs and desires very obvious to others—though be aware the feeling of dynamics not being all together aligned is not something that you should ignore. There is a reason for this feeling. Moving forward when you know something is off is not in your greatest good for the long run.

Though it is important to let your truths be known, doing this in a diplomatic way, versus a forceful un-empathetic way will be better for everyone involved. You will get across what you need to, and will be heard at the same time. If done forcefully, you risk not being heard because defensive arms will rise up instead of open-heart receiving.

With both of these cards present, there is a need to re-evaluate the situation as not all the information you require to bring this aspiration full circle is available. Seeking more information would behoove you at this time. Trust your own intuition this month, even if you’re seeking counsel from someone you admire. Your mentor or colleague may be coming from a personal place rather than a neutral space for advice.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Saffron and Lavendar Stone: Lapis Lazuli Chakra: Solar Plexus

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Tarot: Knight of Swords reversed—Tact will get you everywhere

August is about not stepping on toes. Getting your point across and getting what you want can happen without you pummeling everyone on your path. Make sure that you balance forcefulness with the benefits of the greater good in your decision making this month. Patience and being “rico-suave-ey” will attract more queen bees… This, however, does not mean toning down your wit, letting things slide, or being a pushover.

There is a need to deal with some past grief of loss that sometimes brings forward a defensive and manipulative side of expression. Breathing into the present will allow this to come forth more easily. Compartmentalizing emotional loss at this time will hinder your progress in other areas of your life this month.

Remember that speaking your truth is speaking your truth in the present… not the past or the future. Take note of how your needs, desires, and wants have changed in relation to what they used to be.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Cherry Bark Stone: Blue Lace Agate Chakra: Solar Plexus

Libra (September 23-October 22) Tarot: The Chariot reversed—Woa there… Are those your emotions your’re processing, or mine?

Be careful to make sure, this month, that you are processing your own emotions and not those emotions of others. As empaths and healers, it is possible to take on the emotions and pain, as well as the processing of lessons, of others if we’re not being conscious of our own energy management. August, Libra, is about maintaining your own space so that your own dreams can come into fruition.

Also be cautious during August that you’re not being extra sensitive and picking up others emotions because they are going through something that has been triggering to you in your past. Time to come to terms with some rough waters of the past and recognize that you can help others now because of the wisdom of your experiences and not by commiserating as if those experiences are still in present-time.

The neutrality you can achieve through healing from this experience helps you to see all sides and be of more service to others at this time than taking it on as your own. Seeing through the charge of past experiences is your gift this month. A perfect month for seeing your ego step aside and your higher self come through full force.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Cyperus Stone: Amazonite Chakra: Sacral

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Tarot: Queen of Wands—You’re a magnetic current attracting and manifesting

Stunning inner calm and the epitome of groundedness, the Queen of Wands lets us know that creative intuition can envelope all aspects of life: intimacy in relationship, work, and inner-child time. This month she calls you to be strong in your opinions and fight for what you want in a way that is best for the greater good.

Tuning into the inner-child this month is part of what is needed to interpret the world around you in present time. Inner-child is still reactive and dependent on childhood PTSD. If you can look past this and see what is going on around you for what it is and not as only a reflection of childhood trauma, it will push you forward in your healing and protection of self that is not about isolation or plucking yourself from the situation in protection, but rather being comfortable in your own skin and so able to deal with anything that is set before you in a productive way.

Giving yourself the permission to love and accept yourself as a whole being in any situation, whether it’s one you choose to be in, or one you would rather leave, is pertinent in loving yourself and feeling that you are perfect in the body you inhabit in this incarnation. Not a month to let anyone else’s experience or perspective dampen your enthusiasm for your goals. Embrace your independence and sharp ability to make good judgements and decisions on the fly.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Raspberry Leaf Stone: Citrine Chakra: Solar Plexus

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Tarot: 8 of Cups reversed—Acknowledge lessons, forgive, and release

Not time to jump ship just yet, though that time may be fast approaching. For one reason or another, there is more to learn here or wrap up karmically than you may see on the surface. You’ve made agreements that your soul wants to maintain even though your personality self is ready to move onward. You will know when it’s time to take that step off the shore and into to new waters.

The clarity that is needed to let a situation go is not fully realized just yet. Give yourself some time and space, don’t feel the urgency so strongly to leave the nest. Let yourself feel this out for a while longer. Get a clearer sense of what is going to bring closure before you take those next steps. Deep self reflection is needed.

There is a recognizing through acknowledgement of emotions that a situation is not what you thought it was going to be. Find your part in this epiphany and sit with it. Last efforts at change can follow this month with intentions of ironing out some deep wrinkles.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Marshmallow Root Stone: Blue Chalcedony Chakra: Root

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Tarot: Justice reversed—Return the balance of power to neutrality

Time to pull it together. If you’ve been way out of balance, looking only outwardly or only inwardly to find answers and conclusions, it’s time to take a breather and get assistance. Doing everything on your own is not going to work. This renders overwhelm and spiritual unconsciousness, exactly the opposite of what your higher self is asking for. Feeling like you’re the only one who can do it right and taking on everything at once without help from your infinite bag of environmental resources is what will keep you from true happiness.

Time to bring some salt into your bath, visit salt springs, and add Himalayan salt lamps in most of the rooms of your house or office to equalize those ions in your atmosphere. It’s time to seek the energy of the earth to help you ground and balance and get in touch with the natural ebbs and flows of your alignment with the Universe.

There is an aspect here that warns from bringing too much emotion and perhaps personal accomplishment into a situation or decision. It’s possible that you’re not taking a balanced perspective of your life or a situation affecting you. Seemingly unfair gestures and judgements are brought to your attention this month. It’s time to deal with what you’ve been given and pay attention to things that need addressing.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt Stone: Black Tourmaline Chakra: Root

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Tarot: 4 of Cups reversed—The deal is has been made

This month a decision has just been made or will be made accordingly. You’ve come to a deciding point and achievement has come full circle in this process. Move forward with your findings and honor your intuition. You’ve come a long way to get to this conclusion, so fully experience your relief and know that your decision is the right one for the present time.

Any upset or ill feelings that have led you to this decision, it is now time to release them and get on with it. These were all catalysts to move into another space. Another part of the story’s path. There is no need to look back or question your decision-making or process.

Any anger associated with this decision can be eliminated at this time and totally blasted out of your energetic field. The decision itself has removed charge from the irritant that caused you strife, so you’re now free to move about the cabin, so to speak. Let it go and render on. Making this decision is freedom from the past.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Burdock Stone: Onyx Chakra: Root

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Tarot: The Fool reversed—Not your first rodeo, don’t give up, it’s time to be present

Past lives are upon you. You’re dealing with some way old energy, lineage energy even, that you may need to get the reigns on and handle in order to get present again. These energies that come from a place that no longer serves you in this life, are the only things that are holding you back from achieving your goals, dreams, and wishes in this incarnation.

Attachments to the past may be affecting the role you play in this life keeping you from your inspired Divine self. When you take on responsibilities that are not yours (even if they were in a past life) or the responsibilities of others, the healing of others, or dealing with the karma of others in this life, it keeps you from addressing your own healing, karma, and connection to higher self.

Step out of any martyr-esque behavior, or ideas that you have relating to taking care of others emotionally. Give yourself a chance to deal with your own healing that you’ve been procrastinating about and possibly even using these other situations as masks in order not to face your own emotional blocks. See a Lightworker for Reiki or Clairvoyant energy work.

Spiritual tools for August: Herb: Ginseng Stone: Peridot Chakra: Sacral