Padmes Card of the Day—Strength Card

padmes card of the day strengthPadmes Card of the Day—Strength Card

Thank you, Universe! For presenting challenges for me as placeholders for what I am blocking from my spiritual view! Strength reminds us to be compassionate to others because you may not know where their reactions of protection are coming from. Today calls for going inward, centering, and getting in touch with true self to pull from your resources of inner fortitude. You can do it.

Padmes Card of the Day—5 of Swords

padmes card of the day 5 of swordsPadmesCard of the Day—5 of Swords

An underhanded compliment is not a compliment. If you feel like something isn’t right, it’s not. Take the high road today. Don’t fall prey to bullies of any kind. There are spiritual bullies out there too. Personal power is yours. Responding to being provoked will cause more harm than feelings of empowerment, even if you think you’re standing up for yourself. Turn and go. No need to give it energy. A choice made by the most centered.

Padmes Card of the Day—2 of Pentacles

padmes card of the day 2 of pentaclesPadmes Card of the Day—2 of Pentacles

The 2 of Pentacles says there’s some good news about a project or situation, but the full scope isn’t yet being revealed. A holding pattern is in place. Trying to get things done or doing things all at once doesn’t seem to be aligning as quickly as desired. “Time to make the donuts” is an understatement, but waiting till all the ducks are in a row is the only option.