King of Pentacles—Padmes Card of the Day

King of Pentacles Padmes Daily TarotPadmes Daily Tarot—King of Pentacles

“Know your own happiness.”—Jane Austen. Today is about going to powerful places & matching them. It has little to do with low self-esteem, doubt, & ridicule. If you’ve been a victim of these things, give yourself permission to stop now. All of the “things” you have, you must one day leave behind. They are not life or death…You are, my dear. “Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life true to a lie.”—Robert Brault #tarot

What are you afraid might not happen? Courage trumps fear.

Padmes Daily Tarot—King of Pentacles

Padmes Daily Tarot King of PentaclesKing of Pentacles—Padmes Card of the Day

The business mind is at work today. A project is no longer a struggle, but complete, or about to come full circle. You have managed the spinning plates with great skill & can mentor others to do the same with your effective methodical method. Pulling on this King’s energy, be grounded, persistent, & fearless in decision-making. No only means “not right now.” It’s about negotiation where everyone feels like they won. #TarotReadings <3

Leo Tarotscope November 2014

Leo Tarotscope November 2014Leo—King of Pentacles—Big man on campus—Leo Tarotscope November 2014

You’re capable of doing 3 people’s jobs and have the confidence to get charmed results like a boss. When it comes to resources this month, you hib hob with the best of social circles and are able to impress, intrigue, and ignite passion in others to help you on your quest. There’s much to do including a lot of paperwork and little projects that contribute to the whole. Family responsibilities also seem to take precedence when all you want is time to work on the project at hand.

Give yourself some time to get everything together regarding planning and progression. You may feel as if nothing is happening as fast as you want it to, but connections and alignments need time to percolate and come together. Things are actually falling into place quite nicely; you are just working from a very high standard right now. Take it easy and keep in mind the whole picture. Be practical and methodical. You’re on the right track, so keep moving in the direction that you’ve already committed to. Any financial transactions that are well thought out and not spur-of-the-moment are in your favor.

“Try not to become a man of success, but try to be a man of value”—Albert Einstein

Leo Tarotscope November 2014

Though in love you may not get the responses that you were hoping for, reuniting, reconciling, and the energy of settling differences is available to you. You may feel that you are the one compromising in this category; if getting the band back together is what you desire, then so be it—a means to an end.

Spiritual Contemplation for Leo Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

What endings are happening for me right now? How have I learned from them and what can I do in the future to act upon what I have learned from this journey? What are my wishes and desires for this new direction I’m venturing into?

Find your Tarotscope:

Padmes Card of the Day—King of Pentacles

padmes daily tarot king of pentaclesPadmes Daily Tarot—King of Pentacles

A day to get it together. Anything left hanging needs to be tied up in a perfect bow. Tend the practical fields. It’s almost like this king is telling us to get ready for Mercury Retrograde (Oct. 6-25). If there’s anything left to be battened down, hurry it up, homey! The communication storms are about to hit. Have all of your ducks in a row first so there’s less to be chasing after. Trust the tried & true today.

Padmes Card of the Day—King of Pentacles

padmes card of the day king of pentaclesPadmes Card of the day—King of Pentacles

Value wins over short-term successes. When making decisions today, think long-haul, not just what’s going to get you there the fastest. Taking the charge out of anything that has angered or hurt you in the past will have a positive impact on your future. Be gracious and give others space to be in their process. There is no urgency to make a final call today. Besides, you’ve got important things to grok.

#padmes #tarot