2 of Wands reversed—Padmes Card of the Day

2 of wands reversed Padmes Daily TarotPadmesDailyTarot—2 of Wands reversed

Your next step is your own. Making a decision based solely on your knowingness is the best option here. Other people’s opinions and expectations projected onto you can be a powerful force that keeps you stagnant and holds you up from your evolution. Don’t be that bunny. Taking charge of your destiny is how you keep your skinny jeans at the front of the closet. Saying no is part of the immaculate self-care that you deserve. #tarot

How can you count on you today?


Padmes Card of the Day—The Hanged Man reversed

Padmes Card of the Day The Hanged Man reversedPadmes Daily Tarot—The Hanged Man reversed

Your suffering can be extinguished. No more sacrificing, waiting or enduring. It’s time to rise above & step outside that bubble, see everything for what it was. Not just move on, but see the big picture, altar your course, adjust your cause, enter a new dimension of your soul path. This is a personal resonation all your own. You are valid. You don’t have to throw your pearls to swine for outside approval. #tarot #tarotcardreading www.padmes.com