8 of Wands reversed—Padmes Card of the Day

8 of Wands Padmes Card of the DayPadmesDailyTarot—8 of Wands reversed

Take a moment to breathe & let Divine Alignment unfold. Haha, funny, Universe, for laughing at plans made with timing in mind. Today focusing on “when” isn’t as important as zoning in on the benevolent outcome for all. Throw in some loving kindness meditation, & you’ve got yourself a deal. You’ll have to hang in there to see the outcome & by that time you’ll already be on to your next great idea. Oh the process of irony. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com

What can you do to live in the present moment today? Breathe.

Padmes Daily Tarot—Death

Death card Padmes Card of the DayDeath—Padmes Card of the Day

Some dramas have come full circle. Lots of letting go of past ties, moving forward away from old patterns that no longer serve you, & releasing people who still hold those negative patterns you grew out of. It is a rebirth of sorts. The New Year is bringing a ton of that, so stay aware of your Truth Self & step into your new world gracefully. Realization comes through as wisdom when you see you’ve transcended your past experiences. #tarot

Padmes Daily Tarot—Page of Cups reversed

Padmes Daily Tarot page of cups reversedPage of Cups reversed—Padmes Card of the Day

What can you do for yourself today that would alleviate anxiety, stress, or melancholy? Building on your identity of self-love and Oneness Awareness can bring you peace today. No need to deal with others who give little & expect much; long-term that won’t last as a fulfilling relationship anyway. Take the time you need for you: yin yoga, hot bath, green smoothie, movie. When you’re self aware you are present for others. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com

Padmes Daily Tarot—6 of Swords

Padmes Daily Tarot 6 of swords6 of Swords—Padmes Card of the Day

Transition is in the air. Get ready for forward movement. Difficult & challenging times shift to a much better scenario. Long-term changes in your favor take you out of your daily routine into something more heart-aligned—and leaving something that keeps your heart feeling like it’s wrapped in duct tape. Unexpected safety & security reside in this new way of doing & seeing your life. Sharp mental clarity serves you; dwell not. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com

Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Pentacles reversed

padmes card of the day 6 of pentacles reversed6 of Pentacles reversed—Padmes Daily Tarot

Sometimes when you “loan” money to someone it’s best to decide it’s a gift and let it go as that. Today can be tricky if your expectations get in the way of reality. Whether you’re not in a place to be generous with your time or resources, or someone you wish to spend time with is unavailable, drawing from your own reserves is best for everyone involved. Charity has a business side—shine by giving with no agenda today. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com