Card of the Week—10 of Wands—Time to Regroup and Delegate

10 of WandsComing from a place of moving forward with everything we’ve got from last week, it’s time to delegate! If you tried to take it all on yourself, you may be experiencing some stress, exhaustion, and even anxiety from doing it all alone. TheEmpressThe Empress this month is cluing us in on taking care of ourselves and taking care of others, but that can’t flow if we’re not spending time and energy wisely.

The 10 of wands this week tells us that we’re taking on too much. Taking on others’ work on top of our own, or not letting anyone else help out is what is going on here. You can’t be everywhere at once and you can’t be 10 people. You are you, and you have permission to ask for help. Get back in balance. Take the pressure off. Get your team together and regroup. When you’re overwhelmed, you can lose focus.

If you want something done right, you have to set your clear vision and let others know about it. Doing it yourself because you think no one else can help or do it right is definitely not what the Empress this month is getting at. There’s some serious joy and love that you’re shortchanging yourself.

Get back into the Joy of your goals, not just the outcome—and let up on that OCD tendancy. Remember that all the resources that you need, you have in your energy field. When you see that, you can get comfortable again in next steps. Progress and Clarity halt until you back off and regroup.

It’s critical to remember what was relevant and important about this in the first place and realign the value of your efforts.





Card of the Week—The Chariot—Rewards through the Power of Purpose

The ChariotAction, assertiveness, and purpose. What drives you?

Everything that has made you who you are brings you to your purpose. This passion can take you on a journey this week, or the planning of an actual trip in the future. Whatever is driving you, it’s time to take action and move forward full force until your goal is underway.

TheEmpressWith the Empress this month, the Chariot, which can be tough with the tunnel vision, is focused, yet keeps the whole in mind. The way to get things done this week is with honey, not a Drill Sargent. There’s an element of self-control that would be beneficial for you to keep in mind. Nurturing this project the entire way through and all who are involved in its fruition is key here.

This duo is also a double message to see things through to the end. Complete the goal that you’ve started. Make the trip you’ve planned. Not only will your hard work bring about satisfaction from all aspects of your emotional, physical, and mental bodies, but your spirit will sing by completing something special that it came here to accomplish. This is a biggie. Be the channel the Universe works through.

Vitality is curating your health right now. You can harness the power of self-healing this week to get the results that you’re craving. Diet, exercise, sleep, rejuvenation, recuperation, it’s all in your hands.

The experience of a whole new you in a relationship is afoot. You can trust that you’re aligned with a love partner or work partner who brings out your greatest good and that you are truly the Queen bee of your life and personal adventures. You’re calling the shots for you. You’re setting the rules and boundaries and those who wish to stay by your side will respect what you’ve set. Those who don’t fall away.

Letting someone else call the shots right now is not your best choice. Waiting till next week to start, finish, or get going with your passion, purpose, goal, or existing situation—not an option for the amazing results that are available right now.

The momentum of the Chariot invites you to jump in and Go!



New Moon in Leo Goddess Reiki Share—August 2013

Tonight’s intention for the Goddess Reiki Share was to claim our personal power in recent decisions we’ve made in our lives, focusing on the belief in the power of our intuition and calmly creating safety and trust in our energy fields.

Group dynamics can be exhilarating at this time and render some amazing brainstorming and common successes. Leo’s powerful and firey energy can bring excitement and forward movement, but also some competitive energy.

Keeping this new moon energy in mind, our focus this month was on a sense of Sacred Commerce. (Though we all know that Reiki goes where it needs to! we held our intentions and trusted that it was all all covered :)

This New Moon Goddess Reiki Share Meetup we focused on releasing competition energy or any energy that is in our field that says we aren’t good enough to be abundant, successful, and graceful while being so.

Sacred Commerce means there is enough for everyone all the time. There is no competition. It’s all a misconception based on social conditioning and false beliefs—that come from our experiences, what we were taught when we were young, and even our lineage that can go back 100s of years.

You are a bright shining star and you can shine just like your sister who is a bright shining star. You are sure to attract different and equal love, business, and life, and equally enjoy abundance.

Tonight we celebrated releasing any energy that keeps us from our higher sense of abundance!

The Reiki Grid was awesome tonight. Everyone brought special crystals, notes, and other things to clear and energize, and added their people, situations, and pets to the Distance Reiki List. It was a special and powerful grid tonight.

I was blessed to also have a friend from Virginia visiting who was able to join us! She is always there in Spirit, but it was perfect that she could be there in the physical this time! Yay Chrissy!

Thank you everyone for coming! I look forward to next month!

Card of the Week—Ace of Cups—Peace, Compassion, Love

Ace of CupsThis week continues to vibrate at the fast frequency of last week. Things are moving quickly, projects are coming together, you’re communicating and being pursued via text, eMail, phone, and by chance with information that propels you forward and into new energy of a positive kind.

That being said, Ace of cups brings us some amazing emotional fulfillment and some rather love-filled days to come. Compatible and harmonious friendships are brought together to blast forward in love and joy. This card symbolizes lifetime friendships and true, deep love ties.

If you’ve been leery of love relationships, or simply protective of your heart, now is the time to step forward with confidence into a new relationship. Each relationship is different even though we carry patterns, so no, you won’t have the same experience with a new relationship as you did a previous relationship. This card represents an entrance to intimacy that will blow your socks off.

This week expect to find that person or thing that completes a puzzle that you may not even know you’re putting together. This brings fulfillment that goes beyond what you thought your heart could even reach. There is great healing and love at the end of a long tunnel and the next few days lights a new path for health, love, and commitment, friendship and projects that are considered life-changers. Deep rewarding projects are in your energy field.

The Ace of Cups is about water. It represents all water signs and their watery emotional goodness. Compassion and love reign over any story or misstep. Forgive, let go, love. This week expressing your emotions is important and progressive. Holding back creates blocks that you don’t want to spend the rest of the year overcoming. If someone comes to you this week with emotional information or sadness they would like to convey, your greatest good is to listen with your heart. Turn the analyzer off. This is about emotional support.

Empaths, really pay attention to your energy… Ask yourself, “Is this my energy, or someone else’s?” Because you will be picking up everything around you! Try to stay grounded and not freak out when you get emotionally overwhelmed. This may look like exhaustion just from talking with someone or being in a place with a bunch of other people. Make sure you have enough time to yourself to re-juice.

If you’re creating art right now, use this time to let your emotions rise to the surface. Let it out in your expression. This piece will communicate what words cannot.

A very rewarding week for being emotionally connected. Spiritual growth cannot be sidestepped this week. You’re in it to win it, whether you like it or not.

Your intuition is right on, so believe what you’re seeing and accept that you know your own light. Be gentle with yourself. Notice what you’re thankful for, and spread some of that love!

All this with the power of the 8 of wands at play as well. Fast flying love and compassion, here we come!

PS If you’re in the market for a new home to buy or rent, this week looks good for finding that place, making the decision to move, or a full on move. Don’t forget to sage and clear your new space!

August Card of the Month —The Empress

TheEmpressThe Empress shows us this month will be fruitful and from that abundance, even more is accumulating in your energetic field ready to appear physically. This harvest will be the foundation for future growth.

Cultivate and tend to your Soul’s favorite projects. Nurturing those gems will foster their expansion.

The Empress encourages you to focus on healing. Go outside, get good rest, eat fruits and vegetables and drink filtered water! The body wants to heal itself (it naturally strives to survive and create). Help it heal by giving it good things, feeding it positive thoughts, and filling it with Reiki Light.

Our Relationships this month are refreshed with the great nurturing that the Empress brings. You become what you surround yourself with, so make it beautiful!

This could be a wonderful vacation month for you, or the beginning of planning and manifesting that trip to Maui you’ve been dreaming about.

Turn to nature this month and resurrect your inner Empress. Plant in your garden or bring in some new house plants. Be available for others this month. Be part of party planning / group gathering for a long-term teamwork project or share.

This is a good month to go to the Spa, or on a hike, or to a Reiki share with good friends and relax together. Talk about what you’ve accomplished and what you would like to continue manifesting.

Creation of safety and comfort by using your creativity to build and express your love and gratitude. Write! Develop! Produce! More creates more this month! Giving birth to your dreams is what the Empress encourages and inspires. Abundance creates abundance!