Quantum Goddess WolfPack

Our Next Quarter of WolfPack Membership (The Trio of events: WolfPack bookclub, Quantum Goddess Frequency Training, and We’Tea!) starts May 3rd 2021!

We’ll continue:
• Sharing about our Divine Feminine Paths
• Finding Light in the Shadow with Tarot (ShadowLightWork)
• Working on our evolving Monthly Mission and overall Life Purpose Statement
• Flowing, tracking, and manifesting through the cycles of the moon for personal moon moods and aligning with the energies of the month
• Raising our frequency & staying spiritually hydrated with the Quantum Goddess Frequency Training Call! (We’re in the midst of the Attuning series with Divine Feminine Ascended Masters: Lady Portia is scheduled for April 28th.)
*These are all recorded, so if you miss one, you can listen in and catch up! (The Quantum Goddess Frequency Training Call is not video, it’s only audio, so when you join in on Zoom, feel free to stay in your jammies, or just listen in when I send out the recording! The other events: WolfPack Book Club and We’Tea are Video where we share and do a lot of interacting with each other. ❤
If you’d like to sign up for the next quarter of Quantum Goddess WolfPack
It’s $25 each month for 4 months as we read through our next book. 
I’m super excited about Our Next Book:
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Note: If you are already part of the Quantum Goddess Frequency Training call: 
when you register for the WolfPack Membership, that will take its place, so you’re not paying twice :)

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