Taurus Tarotscope for October 2014—King of Wands

Taurus Tarotscope October 2014 King of WandsEnergy of the King, just like you like it, Taurus, but this month you may find yourself wanting to be the one who brings everyone together to celebrate your creative genius by giving credit to others who deserve it too. Winning friends and influencing players is where it’s at this month, Bull. You’re on the right track with your words of wisdom, your edits, and your team selection. It’s almost like you’re everywhere at once because you have eyes and ears working for you all over the map. Almost like The Following… but maybe not as creepy.

This King also tells you that your visions and dreams are there to be realized. It’s your duty to yourself to find a way to make your dreams a reality. You have the passion to bring your ideals to light, so get in there and bring forth your sparkle!

When it comes to relationships this month, passion reigns again. An all-consuming type of relationship could be in your midst. You don’t have to shy away from it. In fact, this could be what you’ve been dreaming for all along. It’s the kind of pairing that can take on a Universe of its own. If that’s scary for you, you’re in for a wild and exciting ride.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014When you’re looking at how your body, mind, and spirit are relating and moving forward in the physical world, it’s important to make sure that you’re looking at things with your own point of reference. Not following someone else’s path, ideas, or belief system is important in this arena. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind? That’s the main highlight here. Trust in your own intuition and follow what feels right for you when it comes to your health.

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