MicroOrbit Cards Day 15!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

We are here becoming an expert at our soul purpose. It’s time to check in with where we engage in self-sabotage. Attention to being a vibrational match for what you want to bring into your life. Manifesting fro a place of love over fear. We are presented with experiences to bring us back into balance. Cultivate the feeling you already have what you seek. 🤍

MicroOrbit Cards Day 14!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

Today’s cards are about being present in the face of powerful emotion and change. Noticing where the Universe is lighting your path, the direction it’s pointing out to you with your connection to the All. Our cards are showing us to release control, take care and ground. Tend to our Selves, our happiness, and the beauty around is. Our cards are talking about Divine timing and opening to the flow of our present-time timelines.. Often when we’re not in flow with the Universe, we’re in someone else’s timeline!

MicroOrbit Cards Day 13!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

In our cards we have a need to get really clear with intention. There’s a lot of psychic activity and clairvoyance happening, Having knowingness about a situation, someone coming with an apology after possibly a long time of silence. There’s a passionate new beginning, we get the “Answer the Call” card, Deep Emotional Healing, and Surrender to the Divine… Something being uncovered that was not obvious or illuminated before. 🤍

MicroOrbit Cards Day 12!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

🤍 Our MicroComic Cards for Day 12! 🤍
Metatron’s cube is about problem-solving in 3D, but in other dimensions too. How everything is connected, all layers of healing, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional.. Agape is Spiritual initiation that stretches your capacity to love and serve. It asks you what you worship every day. What do you give attention to, acknowledge? Give life to? What re you elevating? and Ascension talks about the guides and ascended masters that are on our paths to help us evolve into our understanding of Oneness awareness and spiritual evolution.

MicroOrbit Cards Day 11!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

Our Cards are about releasing feelings of separation, grief, or fear. Notice separation and how it’s affecting your life. Rediscover the connectedness that is the true nature of reality. The Temple is a Universal and omnipresent energy. It is around you, it is above you and below you. It is you. What barriers do you draw between you and the sacred? Reverence for all life as a sanctuary. The overflow. Tapping into the Universal flow. Allowing. Passionate new beginnings and like-minds coming together. A force of nature. 🤍