Pip Cards and Numerology

Pip cards have elemental values as well as numerical values.
Pythagoras believed that life can be analyzed and explained through numerical terms. Each number has meaning. When you combine elemental values and the meanings that go along with the pip numbers, you can start to really see a story come together through the cards.

Even numbers have feminine energy and Odd numbers masculine.

0: Fool card. 0 Unbiased potential. If the Fool card is reversed it can mean old business or something that you’ve experienced before.

1: Aces. New beginnings in the most literal sense. Birth of a child, a project, a relationship. Reversed indicates delays of these things. Ace of Swords reversed straight out just means no.

2: Choices presented, decisions to be made, partnership, nurturing a part of yourself (e.g. the Lovers card sometimes symbolizes this). Back-and-forth contemplation.

3: Wisdom of the Goddess triad: maiden, mother and crone. Partnerships forming a group. Insight into a situation: the third eye.

4: Foundations, security, equality, material manifestations. Homes, marriage, solid business.

5: Opposite of 4’s feeling of foundation, 5’s are about shakin’ it up. It’s about change, which can create insecurity. Not always a bad thing, change, it can create a sense of fighting for what’s right, self, or a situation. 5 can be seen as (or felt as) marketing and promoting, or fighting for your livelihood. Competition. This might feel like crisis or instability. It can be excitement.

6: The harmony number. Figuring things out. Reestablishing stability after a 5 stretch. Empowering yourself with knowledge through planning.

7: Introspective. Reevaluating. Analyzing. Can be disruptive to the harmony as you uncover some truths about why things played out the way they did, what exactly happened… A come to Jesus with self, if you will. Acknowledging reality and letting go of a fog you might have been living in. Waking up after nurturing denial.

8: Power number. Material manifestation (4) times 2. This is also the infinity number. Universe number that reminds us of abundance. “There’s not just one flower, there are fields.”

9: A cycle is complete. Fulfillment achieved from this completion.

10: Abundance to an excess. A bit of duality: the cycle is over and a new one is beginning. 0 and 1 at the same time. Potential and starting all at once. Kinetic energy.


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