50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

Today our cards are about trusting innocence. Taking a first step into Divine happiness, a first step to achieving Divine goals. Knowing the difference between intuition and feelings of paranoia, knowing when and if you’re coming from a place of fear vs. a place of neutrality when you’re feeling intuition.
Our cards are about the hero’s journey to Oneness. Seeing ourselves in the vastness of all consciousness, where all duality fades away.
We have the 11:11 card, 4 of wands, marrying things together; Butterfly Spirit, which is also 11: Transformation; Trust your innocence: The Fool, and The One.. The Page of Pentacles holds the Spirit of bringing that elusive concept of Oneness into the Physical. What can you do to step into Oneness today? You can MicroOrbit