50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

We got a lot of double numbers today including 2 of cups, 33 Horse Spirit, XX or 20, The Pilgrim, 55 Torus.
The Pilgrim says, “An outward journey is always an inward journey. The Pilgrim knows that the heart belongs in motion. Where there is motion, there is freedom, expansion, and growth. Responsibilities, social conventions, and logistics lull us to sleep and soon the Pilgrim becomes veiled in the slumber of day-to-day.” Staying out of the hypnosis of the mundane. Seeing the big picture.
There’s a need to stop searching and start recognizing your purposeful place on the grid. Sometimes challenges and the difficult struggles of life can show us our strength, our purpose, and what we really need to know about ourselves. And even when we’re doing it alone, we’re never alone. What false beliefs does the personality-self use to keep from connecting with the energy grids of the earth? Feel the magnetic connection of the earth and your own being. You have chosen to be here and you are here for a reason. Today’s cards are about seeing yourself how you’ve manifested it, and seeing your higher-self as your main guide. You are free when you know you truly have choice.
There are always so many messages about how we’re not alone. That our guides and angels and higher-selves are here. This is because we are truly One, even though we’ve chosen to experience energy in a unique way. They always come in to remind us that we’re not separate.