Past Quantum Goddess Frequency Training Recordings🤍0-12 Chakra Extended Series

Below is a list of the past Quantum Goddess Frequency Trainings in the 0-12 Healing & Activation Chakra Series. I’ll be adding more past trainings soon! Click the link to get to PayPal. The link to the guided meditation training will be on your PayPal confirmation page.🤍✨Each recording is $15

This series is a guide to healing the chakra system by bringing awareness, consciousness, and activation to each meridian.

We’ll be working our way up through the Divine Gateway. Each month we focus on a different meridian, learn about what it holds, and how it affects us and our environment; what happens when it’s overactive or underactive and how to support it.

0. Merkabah Activation & Earth Star Healing

(Click the link above to get the recording.)

In this meditation we focus on the Vasundhara—the Earth Star Chakra.

The Earth Star: Vasundhara means Daughter of the Earth. We’ll explore this Chakra and our connection to Goddess Earth and where our Soul Contract with her resides.

The Earth Star correlates with the  layer of the aura that is the Markabah, our Light Body Vehicle. When we activate the Merkabah, we experience true Self-realization and become limitless. Synchronicities and miracles flow effortlessly into our lives, and life itself becomes filled with joy.
We connect with our agreement with the Earth, our ability to ground and heal with the Earth, and our natural regenerative Universal flow.

• Empower Your Earth Star Connection

• Sense what the Earth Star looks & feels like when it’s activated vs. when it’s not activated

• Heal your Earth Star & Ancestor Connection

• Invoke Vasundhara Connection

• Heal with Inner Earth Dimensions

1. Merkabah & Muladhara Reset-Reprogram

(Click the link above to get the recording.)
The Vasundhara—the Earth Star Chakra & The Muladhara—The Root Chakra Connection
Gyan MudraWe touch on our work with the Earth Star and Merkabah activation from the 0. Earth Star Activation & Healing as well as moving into how the first two chakras are connected, how they work together, and how to heal and activate the power of that energy within us, Earth Star and Ancestor Connection and how that moves into the Root, Healing the Root! Belongingness, Abundance, Self-Love, and Self-Faith
Prep: Gyan Mudra

2. Healing & Activating the Empath Chakra, Svadhishthana

(Click the link above to get the recording.)
The Svadhishthana • Sacral Chakra
Healing the Empath Chakra
Where Passion is put to Purpose
The Chakra for Empaths and Healing this space
• Activate and empower passion and emotional balance
• Utilize your gifts as a sensitive, rather than suppressing or hiding them for self-protection
• Strengthen your ability to follow the path that is lit by your true calling
Prep: Dhyana Mudra

3. Healing Shame and Empowering Self-Worth, Manipura

(Click the link above to get the recording.)
The Manipura • Solar Plexus Chakra
Healing Personal Power
• Activate ownership of your Divine Space
• Heal shame to fully embody your Goddess
• Empower Self-Worth & Self-Confidence
Prep: Matangi Mudra

4. Your Heart is the Portal to the Universe, Anahata

(Click the link above to get the recording.)
Activating Divine Self
The Anahata • Heart Chakra
• Your Heart is the Portal to the Universe
Prep: Padma Mudra

5. Activating the Vishuddha, the Sacred Voice Within • Healing the Witch Wound

(Click the link above to get the recording.)
Activating the Sacred Voice within
The Vishuddha • Throat Chakra
• Healing trauma and releasing the past-life charge of being silenced
Prep: Vishuddha Mudra

6. Activating DMT & Healing the Ajna

(Click the link above to get the recording.)
Activating the 3rd Eye
The Ajna • Pineal Chakra
• Heal your Clairvoyance
• Release blocks and resistance
• Activate the Mind’s Eye
Prep: Ajna Mudra

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