Gemini Tarotscope for October 2014—The Empress

Gemini Tarotscope October 2014Gemini Tarotscope October 2014

What a great card for Gemini this month. Talk about creative energy. And Gemini is all about creating and then creating more. It is said that creativity breeds more creativity, and the Empress is the core of that abundance. Careerwise, this is an abundant move, play, or stretch for you. This is the time when you’re putting it all together and setting up your harvest. It also looks as if you’ve learned from a full past of lessons, some positive, and some not so, but the main ingredient here is education. You’ve had yours in this realm and it’s working for you.

Relationships this month need specific nurturing. Whatever you have to do to bond a relationship together, that’s what you do. Not a time to blow off meetings, gatherings, or lunches. Nurture, nurture, nurture. The grass is greener where you water it. Cultivate your relationships and resources now to be better aligned in the near future when you’ll need these friends to come through.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014Communing with the outdoors, being One with nature, taking time to sit in the leaves, hike through the pumpkins and climb through the mountains is a good way to re-energize and ground this Halloween month. Gaining insight and grounding in nature is what will keep you sharp and soft at the same time, rather than all riled up with too much edge. Connection with nature keeps you on your toes and relaxed at the same time when you have to respond on the fly.

Also, a possible month for pregnancy, so take heed!