Leo Tarotscope for October 2014—3 of Wands

Leo Tarotscope October 2014 3 of WandsLeo Tarotscope October 2014—A need to explore.

Can you see the future? It’s right there to walk into if you just knew how to get there. Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to plan and do research about the best ways to move forward into the next steps of your life. Others can help in this department, so don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Mentors and comrades who are willing to assist, or those who have gone down the same path you’re considering are willing to help you on your journey. Take them up on it!

This is a card of travel. It can also be a card of patience if you have already set plans in motion. This can be a time of faith that everything will turn out as expected or better—and this energy is favorable, though that may not help the feelings of urgency while you wait! Experiences that await you are on the horizon. You can decide now if you’re ready for the adventure as they approach. By the time they reach you, you’ll be ready to board the ship.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014This month know that you’ve done the best you can to this point to be where you are. Evolution from here can take time and strategy. Understanding that this is a journey and the journey is the destination gives you permission to have fun while you’re riding down your path. That’s the exciting part. It’s not always about where you’re going so much as how you get there and who you go with…