Aquarius Tarotscope November 2014

Aquarius Tarotscope November 2014Aquarius—3 of Swords—The good, the bad, the ugly—Aquarius Tarotscope November 2014

As of late, the new ideas about projects and careerscope are compartmentalizing perfectly. Sometimes a clean break is what you need to start fresh and with a new perspective. Coming back to something you put down a while ago may benefit you in ways you weren’t able to see before. Choosing a work arena that is anti-anxiety provoking is a good call. It’s time for you to focus on something that challenges you that you enjoy and what makes you feel you are using your talents to the best of your ability.

Any disharmony in relationships this month can lead to some pretty hefty sadness. Betrayal, lies, and past unforgiven issues can be thrown in your face for you to fess up to, or deal with if you weren’t the culprit, but the victim of these emotional crimes. If this relationship is to continue clear definitions of the terms are required. Grudges will continue if this is not resolved one way or the other. Not something you want on your karma bracelet, so deal and keep it movin’ boo boo.

Aquarius Tarotscope November 2014

In one way or another, any gossip that started with you will have to end with you. Getting straight with yourself and why this whole thing started in the first place would be a perfect place to begin looking inward. Figuring out where you are in all of this and where you truly want to be is part of solving a long-time pattern that you’re probably way over due to release.

“The would is the place where the light enters you.”—Rumi

Spiritual Contemplation for Aquarius Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

What was the very seed that began any emotional turmoil for me that led to this state as it is now? How has that continued to snowball? How can I come to terms with my own emotions in relation to how others have reacted to my grievances?

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