8 of Wands

Oh! Fast Communication of the positive variety, by email, fax, phone, or in-person—it’s exciting and swift information on it’s way to you. This is a word that I made up—but for me this card means quickity! (It makes sense.)

This card indicates that things are picking up, orders are being made, marketing efforts are coming into fruition. It promotes fast timing for a positive change of plans or turn of events. Falling in love quickly ( surrounding cups cards), needing more communication or marketing for business (wands), hiring a quick thinker that is imperative to a business group (swords), or money coming in unexpectedly (pentacles). The seeker has luck for travel at this time and is advised to take all risk-related offers. It might feel as if things are too good to be true, but they’re good to go.

oooof. Talk about nothing going down how it was supposed to. Car troubles. Computer troubles. Misunderstandings. Delays in travel. Possible stagnation in work and business. The best case scenario is to deal with old business and organize things that you’ve been neglecting. (Feels like Mercury Retrograde.)

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