Day 1 of 21! Root Chakra Reiki Cleanse

Root ChakraToday the full moon is upon us and we start our Reiki Chakra Cleanse journey!

3 days for each chakra—and if you haven’t signed up for Distance Reiki yet, go ahead and I’ll add you to the list. This 21-Day cleanse is free. You can follow along and do Reiki for yourself, get on the Distance Reiki list, and I’ll be doing it for you, or both!

I decided to do each chakra in three days for three phases. I was guided to give each chakra this much time with sleep in between. Our bodies reset, recharge, and integrate new energies while we’re in dreamland. Instead of doing a rush job, we’re really going to get to some stuck energy from the inside out.

As many of us know, the root chakra is located a the base of the spine and holds energy surrounding physical survival and physical pleasure. Our survival instincts and our sense of community & family can be seen around this chakra. It is the chakra that is most effected by our connection with earth. We experience our sense of basic security, our instinctual and basic needs expand from this chakra.

Root ChakraImbalances of the Root Chakra

Imbalances of the root chakra can feel and look like not  wanting to be in the world. Dis-ease can arise from stagnant energy in the root chakra. Experiences around you not clicking, and the desire to live somewhere else all the time! (Like somewhere else is going to be better than where you are…) Or the downright feeling of getting the heck out and getting back into the universe… We’re here for a reason, that reason isn’t to run from ourselves. It’s to “be” and exist and experience contrast… So our root chakras can alert us to imbalances when we aren’t spiritually in alignment with our physical experiences.

Imbalance in the root chakra can also look like ungroundedness: being all over the place with ideas, goals, relationships, and a reluctance in feeling joy with the senses. Feeling balance from this chakra is feeling like life, as a whole, is not a constant challenge. It ebbs and flows, but mostly flows.

The root Chakra can hold the key to your abundance.

When this chakra is blocked, it may seem that the energy of prosperity keeps just missing you or your goal. It can feel difficult to get the ebb and flow feeling of money energy going. An example would be you just save enough money for your vacation goal, but have to spend it on car repairs. The energy in this chakra can keep you coming up for air, just scraping by, or never experiencing an issue when it comes to security, money, and support.

rootchakra3Ready to clear this chakra!?

Reiki energy flowing and glowing to this chakra is helping to relieve blockages that we, sometimes out of fear, sometimes because we’ve learned it from our parents, hold on to. This energy that we’re holding may not even be necessary for our survival anymore. It could be old and ready to be released, but for some reason we’re in the habit of holding it!

Let’s release it. Reiki is a gentle energy that works with your body to release energy that is no longer needed for our greatest good. It get’s the natural movement and flow back in our bodies. Today we’re focusing on some big chunks of energy that our bodies are ready to release.

To me they look like red felt. They look like opaque pieces of energy that no longer allow movement and flow. The Reiki energy is lifting the opacity of this energy easily and effortlessly and letting it flow out into the universe to be transmuted.

This frees up your root chakra for optimal energy flow. Good job, everyone!

Distance Reiki is at work here and will continue for a 72-hour period. Take it easy tonight and be gentle with yourself. We’ll check in and work more on the root chakra tomorrow. Please let me how you’re feeling and what you’re becoming aware of in your own space with this shift.





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