Powerful night of healing, that’s for sure!
Mercury retrograde was there to help out with the intense day of nothing being on schedule and by the time I got there to set up, a woman still facilitating her class and who apparently had a really hard time in the flood, had quite an aggressive meltdown.
She wasn’t in a Reiki space, otherwise we would have asked her to stay. We added her to the Distance Reiki List and sent some good energy and healing to her home and to her, as well as everyone who was in the Boulder flood.
Though we started a bit late, all was well and right on target with our focus:
This month was all about our recent experiences, reactions, and responses. If you’ve reacted more than you’ve responded, what triggers are keeping you from neutrality and standing peacefully in your power? Let’s work on shedding that energy that no longer serves and making space for new light and awareness.
Celebrate releasing any energy that keeps us from our higher sense of peace!
With the flood energy swirling, we shared in the circle, added our crystals to the grid and names to the Reiki distance list, grounded, and got to work. We did a lot of healing on releasing our own blocks, but also energy that we were all picking up from everyone and everything that was going on around us, like fear, grief, and unconscious energy that was keeping some from having to deal with the trauma of the flood and the total devastation in some areas. That was the Shock—When we leave our bodies so that we don’t have to face the pain of it all.
Tonight was a biggie. Thank you to all the Lightworkers who dared to heal tonight and who stepped in to send Reiki to the Boulder flood victims, community, the animals around us, and the land.