50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

Our cards today talk about retreating to heal, softening, releasing resentment. The Council is continuing the Karma theme: Balancing happens, your control of the situation is not needed.. instead use your energy to heal. Recognize when you’re depleted of energy and consciously re-charge.
We have the Cave Card today from the Wild Unknown Archetype deck which is representative of the tiny space within the sacred space of the heart. The place where you connect with the Galactic Heart of the Universe. We have the Cosmic Heart card today as well. And in the Moonology deck we have “Bring Love into the situation.”
Our guides, as always, remind us we are not alone. We’re reminded that these VRBO’s we have our soul’s housed in are little temples of Light. Take care, get bodywork, clear your space, ground, and Love your Body. My friend says, Your body is like a house. You can decorate it any way you want, that’s not the point!” I love that! 

I pulled 5 of Pentacles twice from different decks.. There is a great need to check in with how you’re being drained. Who or what Drains you? There’s a choice to be made about what to take yourself out of or away from. Retreat. Refuel. Regenerate. Reconnect.