MicroOrbit Cards Day 21!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

🤍 Day 21 of 50 Days of MicroCosmic Orbit! 🤍
Our cards for today, MocroOrbiters!🤍
Today our cards reflect on resources: time, energy, effort, love, money, education, information.. Duality, expending resources, building them back up. There are no experiences that are meaningless and without worth and consideration, but rumination depletes. Epiphany from the past, recharge, align, allow for recalibration. The offering: The time for something to be given and for something to be given up..

MicroOrbit Cards Day 20!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

🤍Our Cards for Day 20! MicroCosmic Orbit!🤍
In our cards, there’s a lot of recognizing the Divine and our Higher-Selves in our present-time and our physical world today. They’re about recognizing the interwoven Light within our family connections, the circles we create and bond to, our families of Light, how we create and tend these connections, forming foundations and grids, and recognizing our unique and important piece in this process. We are all crystals in a grid. Moving around, creating Light energy with purpose. No coincidences. Only synchronicities. 🤍

MicroOrbit Cards Day 19!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

🤍Hello Beautiful MicroCosmic Orbiters! 🤍 Here are our cards for Day 19 of 50 days of Microcosmic Orbit! 🤍
I woke up this morning with this Darwin Quote in my mind: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one who is most adaptable to change.” I felt like this was somehow for us this morning.
We also have the She-wolf, unleashing desires and wildly being. “You are being re-wilded at this time. Guided to reconnect with your rebellious heart.”
We have the butterfly wings: reflecting beauty and light; the Hierophant: up-leveling commitment and integration of the Higher-Self and the Personality-Self. Temptation, which asks us to look at our shadow-self and become aware. And the Queen. She settles in to deep trust and knowingness, standing in her power of awareness. She does not entertain anything that does not match her.
We also have Abundance, overflow and Author.. I feel like those are a message to communicate with guides today through automatic writing, free associating, asking questions and writing the first things that come in.. 🤍

MicroOrbit Cards Day 18!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

🤍MicroOrbit Cards for Day 18!🤍
The cards today have a lot to do with balancing and bringing duality into Oneness. Balancing masculine and feminine energy. (I feel like they reflect perfectly what’s going on with the Lion’s Gate Portal activation energy today!) Creating from the tiny space within the sacred space of the heart, in this Leo New Moon energy! Holding Sacred Vision, the wisdom of the Akasha and past lives. Giving yourself some alone time today to connect, clear your space, energetic detox, maybe a cell healing.. Just allowing the purifying Lightwork to wash through you today.

MicroOrbit Cards Day 17!

50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit

🤍 Our Cards today! Day 17 of MicroCosmic Orbiting! 🦄🤍
Reorder your relationship with the circle of time. When burdens come about not having enough time, focus on your expanded being. Bring your consciousness to your expanded self (up through your galactic chakras). Our cards are about support today, Archangel Michael, Serapis Bey, and messages: listening to what your Higher-Self and your guides want to tell you today. Listening to your intuition and clearing out the fog in the mind.
Tomorrow is the lion’s Gate Portal Activation! Our cards go perfectly with that! The 3rd eye opens on August 8th. When the sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, know as the Spiritual Sun. This alignment supports dramatic new beginnings! It’s when an energetic gate swings open and we’re swept across a threshold of new levels of consciousness! It’s a symbol of the beginning of a new life! It’s an acceleration of spiritual growth. 🤍