Padmes Card of the Day—The Hanged Man reversed

Padmes Card of the Day The Hanged Man reversedPadmes Daily Tarot—The Hanged Man reversed

Your suffering can be extinguished. No more sacrificing, waiting or enduring. It’s time to rise above & step outside that bubble, see everything for what it was. Not just move on, but see the big picture, altar your course, adjust your cause, enter a new dimension of your soul path. This is a personal resonation all your own. You are valid. You don’t have to throw your pearls to swine for outside approval. #tarot #tarotcardreading

Virgo Tarotscope Novmeber 2014

Virgo tarotscope November 2014 7 of wands reversedVirgo—7 of Wands reversed—Stop! Drop! And Roll into the tub—Virgo Tarotscope November 2014

Even if you can’t be with everyone you want to be with this month, or get your way, don’t fret. The obstacles and challenges can subside, but you will have to bide your time. You’re on your way to a more positive outlook on your life and any situations that turned you into a total stress ball. It’s important to know that running away from your problems at this time is not the answer. In fact, self-care is not one more cocktail… It’s about taking a bath full of Lavender sea salt and reading your favorite book or watching your favorite movie. Simple it may sound, but simple it is. (I was channeling Yoda there.)

Virgo Tarotscope November 2014

Striving to be carefree is an admirable goal, but throwing caution to the wind right now wouldn’t be advisable. This month is more of a time to negotiate your roles and what you truly want in order to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the long run. Paranoia can be squashed if you’re experiencing dark thoughts about the Universe being out to get you. It’s actually setting off little (or big) alarm system telling you it’s time to move on and get aligned with what you feel good about and how you want to feel every day. Being true to yourself, speaking your truth, making choices that represent who you are as a person, what you stand for is creating the space for you to put out any fires around you and slip into the bliss that is you.

This month has a lot of healing and inner-child work going on. Taking your power back from others, or just your powerful self that you let go of at some point, this is claiming your space. It’s time to let go of some labels and see yourself for who you truly are. This doesn’t mean you have to get into huge confrontations or fight tooth and nail for your cause, but it does mean it’s time to put yourself first and to go and brush your shoulder off.

Spiritual Contemplation for Virgo Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

What have I been labeled throughout my life that I truly don’t resonate with? What dynamics did I drop into that really don’t have anything to do with my personality or who I truly am? How can I adjust the way I live to more align with my Divine self and be more in sync with my soul purpose?

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Padmes Daily Tarot—8 of Swords

Padmes Card of the Day 8 of SwordsPadmes Daily Tarot—8 of Swords

The only thing holing you back from your goals & dreams & finishing that project is your own self-imposed limitations! That means it doesn’t have to do with any outside influences. No blame game will stick. It’s you. What are you telling yourself that keeps you from stepping forward? It’s time to ask yourself how that serves you. “The greatest progress in life is when you know your limitations, and then you have the courage to drop them.” —Yogi Bhajan

Leo Tarotscope November 2014

Leo Tarotscope November 2014Leo—King of Pentacles—Big man on campus—Leo Tarotscope November 2014

You’re capable of doing 3 people’s jobs and have the confidence to get charmed results like a boss. When it comes to resources this month, you hib hob with the best of social circles and are able to impress, intrigue, and ignite passion in others to help you on your quest. There’s much to do including a lot of paperwork and little projects that contribute to the whole. Family responsibilities also seem to take precedence when all you want is time to work on the project at hand.

Give yourself some time to get everything together regarding planning and progression. You may feel as if nothing is happening as fast as you want it to, but connections and alignments need time to percolate and come together. Things are actually falling into place quite nicely; you are just working from a very high standard right now. Take it easy and keep in mind the whole picture. Be practical and methodical. You’re on the right track, so keep moving in the direction that you’ve already committed to. Any financial transactions that are well thought out and not spur-of-the-moment are in your favor.

“Try not to become a man of success, but try to be a man of value”—Albert Einstein

Leo Tarotscope November 2014

Though in love you may not get the responses that you were hoping for, reuniting, reconciling, and the energy of settling differences is available to you. You may feel that you are the one compromising in this category; if getting the band back together is what you desire, then so be it—a means to an end.

Spiritual Contemplation for Leo Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

What endings are happening for me right now? How have I learned from them and what can I do in the future to act upon what I have learned from this journey? What are my wishes and desires for this new direction I’m venturing into?

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Pisces Tarotscope November 2014

Pisces Taroscope Novmeber 2014 The MoonPisces—The Moon—So Meta—Pisces Tarotscope November 2014

Sometimes getting caught up in emotions, your own dream world of wishes and wants and fears and anxieties can create a whole world that almost seems like reality… But then the real reality creeps in and you have to deal. This month give yourself time cry crocodile tears for disappointments and long lost times and get ready to have a resurgence into a new you; one that sees the pretty dreams and depths of emotions and applies them to a new way of thinking that grounds into possibilities not available before.

Situations with underlying currents of this former life are bound to make you feel like you’ll never get your way again, or that the tides of fortune are gone forever… Oh, Pisces, the ebb and flow of these emotions are just like the seasons moving through each other. You’ll get your groove back and feel at one with the Universe again, and in seemingly no time at all. Seeing truths for what they are instead of creating a more lovely story will be helpful in your transition into new epiphanies about your life and where you want it to go.

Any work conflicts or personality disagreements are best overcome by initially internalizing your responses. Moving into an argument or dispute is not advised this month for the outcome that you truly wish for. Be gentle w

Padmes Tarotscopes November 2014

ith yourself this month when a visitor or someone who calls irks the bajeesuhs out of you. This is an opportunity to reign in your new life goals and plans for moving onward and accepting where you stand in your own space.

Spiritual Contemplation for Pisces Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

Where have I overstepped boundaries or not seen the boundaries to begin with? How can I be more aware of others in my emotional world? Am I using appropriate energy management and do I need to detach from others and clean up my space?

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