Scorpio Tarotscope for October 2014—7 of Wands reversed

Scorpio Tarotscope October 2014Scorpio Tarotscope October 2014—Discernment comes in many flavors

This card sings when it’s reversed… “You gotta know when to hold’em. Know when to fold’em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.”—Kenny Rogers

Sometimes it’s imperative that we stand up for our truths and stand up for what we believe in. And sometimes, doing that looks like connecting to the whole, or a relationship and seeing what is best for everyone involved, not just self. Being a gentler aspect to this support is the energy this month rather than being a powerful force to be reckoned with. Not every situation needs to be controlled. Letting things unfold and being a quiet storm can have amazing results.

In relationships this month it’s important to be aware of what really matters. Do you have to be right and take charge? Or can you let someone else’s needs be the priority this time? This is a perfect month to show that your chips are all in, you’re committed, Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014and you’re willing to do what it takes to make your situation work. This isn’t about standing down and letting someone else have their way. It’s about really standing in your truth and aligning with someone else or a group and deciding to be a team player in your heart of hearts.

Business this months falls right into place. It doesn’t take as much time and effort—giving you a break to just be and do what you’re good at. You can trust yourself and what’s going on around you to unveil truths that you’ve intuitively known all along. The validation is nice.


Libra Tarotscope for October 2014—The Ace of Pentacles

Libra Tarotscope October 2014Libra Tarotscope October 2014—The beginning of an amazing adventure

What an amazing month for you, Libra. A reentry of all that you hold sacred, all that you’ve dreamed of, coming back into your field of possibilities. New inventions, self-inventing, pulling to you the resources to activate your refreshed purpose. It’s time to shine and dive deep into the ocean of what makes you sparkle and yearn for more life.

This month is an opportunity to open your heart to your dreams and to release anything that is keeping you from hiding your true feelings and desires away. It’s time to pull them out and realize them. This is a destiny card in your favor. It seems as if the world is at your fingertips, all you have to do is take one step forward into your truth, and the Universe conspires to serve you. This card represents a golden opportunity awaiting your approval. Your approval looks like you taking action. This is the beginning of a path that shimmies you to the path of your soul purpose. So pay attention!

In relationships, this energy represents solid foundations. If there is a discrepancy in the compatibilities of friends there is time and support to change the outcome by mending and honoring what is truthful and releasing what is fear. You are supported right now in Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014all directions. You can trust yourself and those who you call friends.

Immediate gratification is for young souls. You can stand the test of time and find comfort in the journey bringing you luck, money, and admiration. Don’t worry about taking the most unique options right now. Take the opportunities that fall in your lap. That is the Universe lighting up your divine right path. Follow it!

Virgo Tarotscope for October 2014—9 of Swords

Virgo Tarotscope October 2014Virgo Tarotscope October 2014—9 of Swords

If there were ever a time to get some energy work, it seems that this Mercury Retrograde would be it. It’s time to take a really close look at the lessons and patterns that you’ve been avoiding and pushing away any time it pops up to be dealt with … aka any time it pops up to be healed and released. It’s time to get some healing energy in there and release old trauma, grief, regret, and self loathing. This is a gooey one, and it’s time to get clear of it.

If there’s something that has not come into fruition for you, something that has really been disappointing, or flat out awful, the 9 of swords indicates sleeplessness, upset, and self-disregard as a result of regret and grief. At this time, the best recourse is time. Letting the ugly cry out, making space in your schedule to do some healing, whatever that looks like for you, and really allowing these emotions to surface so that they can release. It can look like getting out of town and having alone time to deal with some issues that have long been due to confront.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014This is not a time to be thinking of others, or be compassionate to others feelings; it’s a time to look at yourself, how you’re doing and what you can do to find relief to these ongoing challenges of regret and upset. The mind right now seems as if it is in a fog and cannot for the life of it make clear decisions. Don’t be mysterious if you go off and take time for yourself. Do let others know where you’re going and why. But take the time you need to figure these things out. This can be a huge turning point in your own growth and evolution.

Leo Tarotscope for October 2014—3 of Wands

Leo Tarotscope October 2014 3 of WandsLeo Tarotscope October 2014—A need to explore.

Can you see the future? It’s right there to walk into if you just knew how to get there. Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to plan and do research about the best ways to move forward into the next steps of your life. Others can help in this department, so don’t feel like you have to do it alone. Mentors and comrades who are willing to assist, or those who have gone down the same path you’re considering are willing to help you on your journey. Take them up on it!

This is a card of travel. It can also be a card of patience if you have already set plans in motion. This can be a time of faith that everything will turn out as expected or better—and this energy is favorable, though that may not help the feelings of urgency while you wait! Experiences that await you are on the horizon. You can decide now if you’re ready for the adventure as they approach. By the time they reach you, you’ll be ready to board the ship.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014This month know that you’ve done the best you can to this point to be where you are. Evolution from here can take time and strategy. Understanding that this is a journey and the journey is the destination gives you permission to have fun while you’re riding down your path. That’s the exciting part. It’s not always about where you’re going so much as how you get there and who you go with…

Cancer Tarotscope for October 2014—2 of Cups

Cancer Tarotscope for October 2014 2 of CupsCancer Tarotscope October 2014

A union that shares compatible communication. It’s time to consider that two may be better than one in this life. Can shared experiences and shared responsibilities be just what you need to enjoy life to its fullest instead of trying to do it all alone? And if you’re searching for a partner, one may be just around the corner, or even someone you already know… Mercury has a strange way of bringing old acquaintances or relationships back together in order to resolve some past wrong, or figure it out… If you’ve had a feud, best to figure it out and move on. It’s not the time to part ways.

This card can also indicate gentle energy work for healing emotional wounds. Reiki, Angel healing, and true-self connection meditation would be you being generous with yourself this month. When others attempt to offer you healing words, kindness, or tea, you can let their compassion in the moment bring you healing acceptance in your heart. Open it to receive.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014This card also reminds us that our love of the world is reflected in ourselves and ourselves in the love of the world. What you seek seeks you—Rumi This is a good reminder to keep our minds in tune with love and positive thoughts and dreams, reminding also that our thoughts are what the Universe make tangible for us. Settle in and don’t say goodbye so easily.