Thank you so much for your question, David.
I was drawn to delve into the past a bit more and then the future in order to express to you what your angels and guides wanted to get across today, so that “3-Card” reading was tossed out the window…

Here is what I found regarding your current romantic and soulful relationship and what is to come:
First of all, this back-and-forth between the two of you is far from new. I see that in a past life you and O. were very much in love and romantically involved, however her parents were against the pairing. They seem to me like king and queen-esque. They took on that stature/felt that way about themselves, were political figures and definitely aristocrats. They were against your match because of social status and political reasons. It seems that O. ended up with someone she loved as a person, though never had a romantic connection with him. This marriage brought the family what they considered “security” in status. What she did brought great power to her family. She sacrificed her love for them in that life. (For some reason, you need to know that was her choice. She was not forced, though pressured yes.)
Her parents had a very strong influence on keeping you apart, but it was her who made the choice to be loyal to her parents rather than choosing to be with you. She felt it was more secure or safe at the time. I get the very strong feeling that you are connected, but it was not the right time for a partnership in that life.
In this life, O. is reluctant to commit and hesitant because of past life trauma… Karma. She can’t emotionally commit. I see you were ready in the past life as you are now. I have to assure you that at this time, there are no “right” things that can be said to remedy this Karma. Time has to pass for her. O. has some life to live. She has to have experiences behind her before she will be ready for you. And I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it will be in this life. The timing is later when you are both different spiritually.
I see you as already having the deep intrinsic understanding of this. You need to be together as you are for her to do what she needs to do—process what she needs to process while she’s here now.
You are “dealing” with it the best way you can, which is helping you to become more powerful in your Self and very spiritually evolved.
Within the next 3 months things will sharpen and become more clear to you—when you can detach your physical Self and your spiritual Self you will start feeling a new part of yourself regarding this situation and moving forward with many new events in your life. Your outlook will not only change, but evolve. That is one of the important things you are here to do in this life. This is how you free yourself from a “stuck” cycle that has followed you through many lives regarding karma with O.
You have sacrificed for the benefit of both of you and, though it may not feel like peaches and roses, physically and spiritually you have both helped each other grow and are star-crossed in that agreement.
This seems harsh, but you needed to experience heartfelt devastation and rejection; she needed to go through making a monumental choice; she needed to know you were here then and now again; you need to go through a process of letting go and then feeling whole with what and who you are all while knowing a physical relationship is not resinating now—in essence you are here to learn a soulful patience and compassionate acceptance of the Universe at work. You are here to learn trust.
A moment will come when you think you have failed, but almost as soon as it comes, you will realize that you have succeeded. You’re going to realize that O. is not the physical manifestation of a romantic relationship for this life. You’ll go through a process of feeling great loss, a grief period (though not as heavy and as devastating as your past life experience). You will go inside, but not cut yourself off from the world.
You do have another great opportunity for love.
You will know her when you see her. It will be a new fresh feeling of love for you (not so much karma being worked out). You need to protect her (new relationship) and nurture this romance. Your heartache from the past will release and you will find joy with this new, very stable and magickal woman. (I heard “Apples and Oranges.” The two women are not to be compared. They are completely different from each other and in their paths. They are different in what they are here to experience with you.) This new love will be quite independent and it is the right time in this life for this convergence.
I feel that early Fall will render an extremely significant shift for you.
I hope this helps you on your journey and I wish you clarity peace and joy going forward in your New Year!