Goddess Reiki Share Healing & Insights October 2015

halloween goddess reikiHealing with new moon in Libra and the full moon in Taurus

This month’s energy is asking us to acknowledge and connect with what you’re integrating, what wants to be integrated, and what you’ve become aware of through your shadow self.

What do you notice that you judge in others that, when you remember to be aware, you are actually hard on yourself about?

Shadow work that I’m integrating right now has to do with recognizing when the behavior of others is spiteful or mean, it’s more about them feeling unaccepted somehow. And I realize, sometimes perhaps unaccepted by me.

When I am judgmental it’s about me not feeling accepted around something. For me, it seems to be about the need to be perfect, or not feeling like I can be loved if I’m not perfect. I judge someone’s clothes, for instance, projecting—because what it comes down to is that I feel like if I’m not dressed appropriately I’m worthy of ridicule… By being dressed inappropriately I’m putting myself in a space where I asked for it. I dress badly therefore you can hate me. What it comes down to, for me, is fear of being unloved.

The more aware of myself I am when I’m feeling judgmental and doing the judging, the more I recognize compassion for others. On some level, those who are judging are having fear of not being loved.

When I’m feeling judged it’s the same… but harder! I try and place myself in the “judger’s” point of reference and begin to see what it is they are hard on themselves about and what is leading them to be judgmental. And then I try to connect with the true origin of their suffering.

Just before I turned 40 I had a conversation with someone that I was attempting to reconcile a relationship with. I brought up some things that had hurt me and wanted to work through them. The recipient was not in the same place and not ready to do any work around healing our relationship.

He said, “You’re old! You’re going to be 40! You’re old! Get over it!” referring to the things that I was deeply hurt about. I realized in that moment that he was very afraid of being old. I don’t have that hang up in that way. He was trying to hurt me or be spiteful, but he gave himself away in his judgment. We all do.

We introduced our loved ones into the circle for our Day of the Dead memorial. 

I introduced my mom on the Distance Reiki grid to honor her and send her Reiki energy and love. I brought her picture and a turquoise skull bead I got in Jerome AZ, our last trip there together. There was a turning point in our relationship that day. I sent healing energy to our relationship and to her on her journey where she is now.

I focused energy from the Distance Reiki Grid to those we acknowledged in memorial and to those who seem to be difficult to heal with unless it’s in the astrals.

Thank you wonderful Goddesses! Beautiful night, beautiful healing! Wonderful Self-reflections!



Day of the Dead—Bella Frida

Day of the Dead Face PaintingI am blessed to be part of Bella Frida’s festivities this Friday, October 5th from 6-9 in Louisville for the First Friday Art Walk.

Flamenco guitar by James Garcia
Day of the Dead face painting by Susan Meylor of Sparkles Face Painting
Tarot card readings by Meggin O’Morrow (That’s me!)

3 Margaritas restaurant has donated food for the event and Le Bakery Sensual discounted a fabulous Day of the Dead cake!

My Grandfather was born on All Saints Day. Far from being a saint, from what I understand he got quite a kick out of that.

Day of the Dead celebrations are all about honoring those who have passed. Children are honored on the 1st of November, All Saints Day, and then adults on November 2nd, All Souls Day.

Day of the Dead CakeThese two days are very special in Mexico. They believe that their family returns for those two days. This is definitely reason for celebration!

Altars are created for loved ones with painted skulls, candy skulls, and skull beads that are used to symbolize birth and death. Elaborate cakes are made and some families visit the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate their grave sites with flowers and candles bringing toys for children who have passed and tequila and margaritas for adults. They picnic on blankets next to their relatives.Day of the Dead

This tradition is amazing to me. I love the acknowledgement of the duality that we are and honoring our special family that are on the other side.

I’m excited for Bella Frida’s event on Thursday the 11th 7-9pm creating cigar box altars. I’ll be there creating one for my mom who passed two years ago. I can’t be at her grave site, but I’m sure she’ll be celebrating with me :) I’ll be ready with an ofrenda for her November 2nd this year.dia de los muertos ofrendas

I’ll be doing readings on Friday. Please join me and everyone for the festivities, fun, celebration, and bring your family… Those you can see, and those you can’t! There’s a piece of cake waiting!

In Love,


Other Day of the Dead Events in Louisville:

Bella Frida Presents the Dia de los Muertos Show
by Louisville Middle School Art Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

Artwork displayed ithrough October 2012 at:

Bittersweet Cafe & Confections 820 Main Street
The LoCo Yo 917 Front Street
Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101

Create a cigar box Ofrenda (altar)
Hosted by Laura (owner of Bella Frida)
Thursday, October 11 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
at Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101
Ofrendas are an essential part of the Day of the Dead celebration and are created to remember and honor loved ones who have passed.
$12 supply fee. Bring a 4 x 6 photograph of the person you are honoring. Email laura@bellafrida.com to register.

Day of the Dead Stories & Crafts for Kids ages 6 to 12 – FREE!
Presented by Louisville Public Library Children’s Librarian Adrienne Gass
Saturday, October 13th, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
at Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101

Day of the Dead painting, scratch art and mask making
Hosted by Doodlebugs Art Studio
Saturday, October 20 drop-in 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
at Bella Frida 901 Main Street, Suite 101
$3 supply fee per family * all ages welcome