Scorpio—Page of Cups reversed—Don’t lose your shit—Scorpio Tarotscope November 2014
Trying to keep it together this month after some uncomfortable confrontations may be your challenge in the coming weeks. Situations that have come to pass that you wished were water under the bridge are all up in your business and it seems you’re the one who has to make the decisions of their outcomes.
Take into consideration how you’re treating the ones who are closest to you. You may be acting out insensitively or being withdrawn when it would be best to show your gratitude and appreciation. Especially with someone you care about who is having a hard time—you may not notice if you’re so in your own head. Talk about your inner child wanting some attention… and not being coy about it. Try to avoid tantrums and make sure you have tea in your purse if you’re prone to panic attacks.

This whole dynamic that you’re dealing with may feel quite draining. Know when you need to re-juice and set time aside to do just that. Your sensitive side may need some nurturing. It’s okay to engage in a lot of self-care, just be sure to let those in who love you. A spa day may be the perfect thing to share with someone who could use it too.
Spiritual Contemplation for Scorpio Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:
In the spirit of becoming aware of my habits or go-to reactions, when am I hardest on myself and how do I punish myself? How can I be more gentle with myself when I’m in crisis or dealing with inner and external conflict?