Hello Beautiful Spring Goddess MicroOrbiters!
Spring Goddess Cards • Day 1!
Grounding Deep into Spiritual Self Today. Feeling foundation from wholeness & connection. #SpringGoddessOrbit #10DaysofMicrocosmicOrbit
I pulled from the Tarot of Transformation today & got The Multidimensional Universe—21 The Cosmos. I thought that was pretty perfect to start us off on Day 1 of our 10-day MicroOrbit! This is the World card in traditional decks—walking through a new threshold, into a brand new beautiful cycle, a brand new bubble of energy. A new layer of the Spiral.
And from the Goddess Guidance deck we have Hathor, the Egyptian Sun and Sky goddess: Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy, and ability to give to others. This card is about releasing any guilt about receiving. It’s about self-nurturing and self-nourishing.
And we have the Emperor from theCurious Creatures deck. Definitely some balancing of masculine and feminine energy today. Energy of wholeness and Oneness Awareness. And quite a manifesting spread too. Connecting with the Universe, Receiving from the Universe, Commanding energy, not Demanding energy.