Padmes Card of the Day—The Magician reversed

padmes card of the day the magician reversedPadmes Card of the Day—The Magician reversed

What’s up with not using all the resources that are right in front of you specifically there to help you achieve all your precious dreams and sought-after goals? What’s up with not wanting to get to the bottom of what will propel you forward in your plans? Um, time to redirect your focus. “Decide what you are and be that.” —Robin Williams in Dead Again


Padmes Card of the Day—The Star reversed

padmes card of the day the star reversedPadmesCard of the Day—The Star reversed

Expectations are the first thing that can knock you off balance. Your expectations not being met or someone else’s expectations of mutual agreements being different than what you believed. Be prepared to reenergize after a possible bummed feeling that has you go cavey. Step through it and shine in spite of it. Shutting down is a response, it isn’t the answer.


Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Wands

padmes card of the day 6 of wandsPadmesCard of the Day—6 of Wands

Victory at its best. Whether you seek value from someone else or you offer your true value to others, the day is filled with compassion. The wisdom of what you have experienced and learned you can extend to someone else today who would benefit from your camaraderie. This energy perpetuates positive patterns that will affect your future.


Padmes Card of the Day—4 of Wands

padmes card of the day 4 of wandsPadmes Card of the Day—4 of Wands

The foundation for a relationship, endeavor, or inclination is solid. You could get married, commit to a company or project, or simply understand and accept something about you that brings you into alignment with your truth. This is a positive message with thriving potential. The platform is secure; you can jump off and trust that you’ll be supported.

#padmes #tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Pentacles

Card of the Day 6 of PentaclesPadmes Card of the Day—6 of Pentacles

Get your gratitude journal! There’s no time to doubt yourself or play a self-worth game. It may be time to reevaluate some things, but keep it positive and keep it movin, boo boo. For some reason you could be empathing someone else’s fears and judgment today and letting their energy into your space. Overcome this from the gate. You’ve planted some good seeds. So don’t unconsciously water them with gasoline.

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