Padmes Card of the Day—Queen of Pentacles reversed

padmes card of the day queen of pentacles reversedPadmes Card of the Day—Queen of Pentacles reversed

Following your heart with no regard for logistics won’t go in your favor today! A sense and acknowledgement of cause & effect will take you a long way. Use common sense. Not a good day to impulse shop, buy a car that you haven’t had “checked out,” or invest in new software. Be aware of how your words and actions affect others—the security of your relationships depends on your understanding and kindness.

#padmes #tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—Ace of Wands

padmes card of the day ace of wandsPadmes Card of the Day—Ace of Wands

Prepare to be inspired! You don’t have to compromise today. It’s a day of fresh starts with serious energy behind them. If you’re at the beginning of an adventure, it’s the perfect time to step forward with confidence.

#padmes #tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Wands

padmes card of the day 6 of wandsPadmes Card of the Day—6 of Wands

A day to be grateful. Others can see you as victorious in your endeavors, but don’t get too heady. Get grateful and keep it movin, boo boo. This buoyancy persists if you keep your attitude in check. Expect the support of others, recognition, and appreciation, while being humble and bringing supporters with you on your journey of success. Good news. Good leadership. Good manners.

#Padmes #Tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—3 of Pentacles reversed

padmes card of the day 3 of pentacles reversedPadmes Card of the day—3 of Pentacles reversed

Another day of me-me-me. As with yesterday, today is not a day to share. It’s a day to contemplate what you want out of your time spent in certain areas of your life. Not even a day to bounce these ideas off of a friend. It’s a day to get square with you. What are you good at and what do you want to do with that? Where do you want it to take you? It’s time to reenergize, reevaluate, and recommit.

#Padmes #Tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Pentacles reversed

Padmes Card of the Day 6 of Pentacles reversedPadmes Card of the Day—6 of Pentacles reversed

Ok, it’s one of those days where you don’t have to share your cookies. They’re your cookies. You can eat them all. Taking care of yourself is not selfish… And sometimes we need to be selfish in order to take care of ourselves. Let your selfish flag fly today. Buy yourself more cookies if you want. Appreciate you today.

<3 #Padmes #Tarot