Padmes Card of the Day—Knight of Swords reversed

Padmes Card of the Day Knight of Pentacles reversedPadmes Card of the Day—Knight of Cups reversed

Jumping into something that sounds good today may bring opposition tomorrow. You, or someone you’re intertwined with, may be more emotional than the situation calls for. Whether it’s passionate love or passionate ambition, both are not aligned to total truth today. Give it a minute before you jump in with both feet to avoid disappointment. Something that makes more sense is on its way.

#padmes #tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—Knight of Swords reversed

Padmes card of the day knight of swords reversedPadmes Card of the Day—Knight of Swords reversed

Don’t let it be a day of indiscretions! It’s one of those days where if you say something out loud that you should have kept in your head, someone else is in earshot and it will come back to haunt you. When responding to emails, make sure they read as what you really want them to mean. And if you want to avoid arguments, don’t start them.

#padmes #tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—Page of Wands

padmes card of the day page of wandsPadmes Card of the Day—Page of wands

Another day for acknowledging the spark at the center of your desires. This will propel you forward. What are you doing all this work for? “Oh, yeah! It’s for that thing that drives me.” That “you-complete-me” thing. It’s all worth it and you can be completely fulfilled when you wrap your heart around it. Today is about life purpose and following your dreams.

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Padmes Card of the Day—7 of Cups reversed

padmes card of the day 7 of wands reversedPadmes Card of the Day—7 of Cups reversed

Take your octopus hands out of all the cookie jars and focus, Danielson. Getting it together does not look like multitasking today. It looks like mindfulness. Coming back to your center today will benefit the rest of your month. There may be something you’re missing, and if you slow down to breathe today you’ll catch it.

#padmes #tarot

Padmes Card of the Day—King of Pentacles

padmes card of the day king of pentaclesPadmes Card of the day—King of Pentacles

Value wins over short-term successes. When making decisions today, think long-haul, not just what’s going to get you there the fastest. Taking the charge out of anything that has angered or hurt you in the past will have a positive impact on your future. Be gracious and give others space to be in their process. There is no urgency to make a final call today. Besides, you’ve got important things to grok.

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