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Category Archives: Card of the Day
Our cards today, MicroOrbiting Goddesses!
The cards are about really paying attention to yourself today. Soul-level initiation, witnessing yourself, your connection with the Universe. Constructs of separation dissipate into shared consciousness. Transformation, self-awareness, self-nurturing, cocooning, connecting with Higher-Self. Making choices based on what is best for you—not necessarily someone else, even thought it may not be a popular choice. Psychic awareness is on full blast today!
MicroOrbit Cards Day 9!
50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit
MicroOrbiting Goddesses! Our cards for today!
Balance, Truth, How you show up for self, non-duality, and creation. Aletheia: Truth. “When we hear someone speak the Truth, we see the Truth within ourselves. Reclaiming your own Truth is a way to reclaim your vital energy, health and sense of being. When light; clarity, revelation, disclosure. When dark: Distortions, Gaslighting, excuses.”
Cutting things away you no longer need, not giving energy to someone or something so you can use all of your energy to be in your Truth.
Integration of masculine and feminine for creation: as within, so without; as above, so below.
Knowingness that you are Divinely guided and you are Divinely present. You belong here because you are here..
MicroOrbit Cards Day 8!
50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit
“The most precious throne in the galaxy is awaiting your return.” —The Heart Card from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck
Our cards focus on Divine Time, taking control of your focus: what you give attention and life to.. coming from the heart, trusting that the Universe is abundant.
Being in the heart creates a frequency of protection without being attached to building walls or fortressing. Coming back to something that fascinates you. There’s a more aligned outcome than what you may expect. Your experience protects you from walking down a path that isn’t the path for you.
MicroOrbit Cards Day 7!
50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit
MicroOrbiting Goddesses, Our cards for today!
The Tree reversed: Skepticism and a closed mind are the only things that keep you from receiving information. When you open your mind and your heart, powerful Truths reveal themselves. The Cosmic: Talks about bringing amusement into your field! Healing with light-hearted frequency.
MicrocOrbit Cards Day 6!
50 Days of Microcosmic Orbit!
Today’s cards revolve around overcoming or releasing challenges, choosing your battles, connecting with Animal Spirit and Animal Medicine, healing in nature, and being in your zone. Raising your vibration by doing what you love. “Get lost getting found.” You are on an adventure. Believe in the unbelievable.