Temperance has everything in great alignment. Where do you want to walk this passion? How do you want to generate the unfolding? What do you want it to look like? #SelfInquiryTarot
I am grateful.
I am grateful.
I am grateful.
Oneness. OneLove.
Temperance has everything in great alignment. Where do you want to walk this passion? How do you want to generate the unfolding? What do you want it to look like? #SelfInquiryTarot
I am grateful.
I am grateful.
I am grateful.
Oneness. OneLove.
Thank you, my Tarot Sister, Mindy Superglamp
The Fool is actually not a fool at all. He is the self-actualized Self who is One with the Universe. The One who co-creates, the One who recognizes intrinsic creation energy… Love. The One who creates their own destiny.
Has there ever been a moment you trusted the Universe so much that you weren’t afraid? You knew nothing was coincidence, only ever synchronistic? You just followed your heart and it led you to your lit path? When has there been a road back, but you decided to go forward? How has the Universe come through for you when it was seemingly impossible?
When have you reinvented, started over, stepped into different and deeper layers of your soul? Where in your life have you stood at crossroads and had to choose? How will you celebrate your pure connection with creation Love today? What will you channel from your highest self and bring into your physical?
How has heart-drama distracted me from my Truth? When do you choose love and when do you choose yourself? (When you have to choose between the two..) When in my life have I stayed in a situation that called me out of my worth? Why did I do that? What kept me? When have I lost myself in someone else’s trauma energy? How did it trigger my own? How have I recovered from painful illumination? Did it make me stronger? Am I a better version of myself for it?
Is the wisdom of a fool more powerful than love? than illumination? Are they the same? How do I maintain Truth-self, Identity-space neutrality and clarity? Coming from a place of being disillusioned. Make a choice. Live from your heart. When have I gotten lost in the shadow of a mountain? How did my higher-self climb up? Do we see what we want to see? Why did my higher-self choose this experience? What does it want me to understand? What have I learned manifesting from breadcrumbs?
#Tarotselfinquiry #doublerainbow Remembering you have a double mission in this incarnation: To have your own spiritual journey and to be a Crystal on the Grid. What is your Truth and what Truth have you come to bring into the physical? How do you channel your light into the world, raising the vibration of the planet? How do you ground and stay clear from the distraction of fear?
What will I do today to fulfill my purpose? What is it that I need to align with the purity of my tiny space within the sacred space of my heart? How can I connect with the purpose of my heart, my Truth of Love?
You are surrounded by love and assisted by your Galactic Council of Light. What will you ask of them today? How do I stay True to my path and my purpose of shining love into the world? What am I diligent about and what can I center within my life that I’ve been shying away from? What do I need to surrender to the Universe? How can I move forward in my Truth? Who matches me in my mission in this life? How do we move forward in Bliss, Purpose, and Love?