2 of Wands reversed—Padmes Card of the Day

2 of wands reversed Padmes Daily TarotPadmesDailyTarot—2 of Wands reversed

Your next step is your own. Making a decision based solely on your knowingness is the best option here. Other people’s opinions and expectations projected onto you can be a powerful force that keeps you stagnant and holds you up from your evolution. Don’t be that bunny. Taking charge of your destiny is how you keep your skinny jeans at the front of the closet. Saying no is part of the immaculate self-care that you deserve. #tarot

How can you count on you today?


King of Pentacles—Padmes Card of the Day

King of Pentacles Padmes Daily TarotPadmes Daily Tarot—King of Pentacles

“Know your own happiness.”—Jane Austen. Today is about going to powerful places & matching them. It has little to do with low self-esteem, doubt, & ridicule. If you’ve been a victim of these things, give yourself permission to stop now. All of the “things” you have, you must one day leave behind. They are not life or death…You are, my dear. “Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life true to a lie.”—Robert Brault #tarot

What are you afraid might not happen? Courage trumps fear.

Padmes Card of the Day—The Empress

The Empress Padmes Daily TarotThe Empress—Padmes Daily Tarot

You can relax. You have plenty of time to do all you need to do today while staying in your present mind instead of being frenetically out-of-body. Growth & transcendence will take place when you balance your emotions & logical thinking—respond instead of react. You’ll get more bees with calm, cool, assuredness—being comfortable in your own skin—this morning & this afternoon. Your frequency heals others, you don’t even have to try. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com

Padmes Card of the Day—The Lovers

The Lovers Padmes Daily TarotThe Lovers—Padmes Daily Tarot

Choose what is best for others today. Oneness Awareness brings a whole new level to relationships. Surprise blessings & miracles seem like they from the sky. Commit to long-term agreements, healthcare, themes, & love—Your choices are of utmost importance. This is not the time to be tempted by the fates, another, or something that sounds too good to be true—that could be a lasting fail. Pay attention to what keeps you balanced. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com