4 of Swords—Padmes Card of the Day

4 of Swords Padmes Card of the DayPadmes Daily Tarot—4 of Swords Yay!

It’s the Spa card! Yes, it’s time to journey to that Wise Women’s Hot Springs retreat, simmer in salts, and wash away that which hasn’t served you for a long time. Dive deep into self-imposed limitations, others’ frequencies in your space telling you how it is, and regret that’s had its day in the spotlight. Time to infuse some faerie dust into your energetic field and get anything that doesn’t match the glitter to take a hike. #tarot

The question to ask yourself all day when any decision arises: “What would someone who loves themselves do?”

4 of Cups reversed—Padmes Card of the Day

4 of cups reversed Padmes Card of the DayPadmes Daily Tarot—Page of Swords

Just being is fulfilling your purpose—the rest is choice. How do you want to vibrate? Magic is waiting to happen when you let yourself out of resistance & express your Truth Self—doing this gives others permission to be authentic; self-love offers the option to match your healing frequency. Self-care, yes, but not the day to cocoon. Seek out & say yes to opportunities, invite others into your world, set your heart at receiving. #Tarot <3 www.padmes.com

Padmes Card of the Day—The Empress

The Empress Padmes Daily TarotThe Empress—Padmes Daily Tarot

You can relax. You have plenty of time to do all you need to do today while staying in your present mind instead of being frenetically out-of-body. Growth & transcendence will take place when you balance your emotions & logical thinking—respond instead of react. You’ll get more bees with calm, cool, assuredness—being comfortable in your own skin—this morning & this afternoon. Your frequency heals others, you don’t even have to try. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com

Padmes Card of the Day—Queen of Wands reversed

Queen of Wands reversed Padmes Daily TarotQueen of Wands reversed—Padmes Daily Tarot

A struggle with personal power, loss of confidence or manipulation by others can make foreign energy walking right into your space seem easier than usual. Claim your space. Decide what emotions & energy are yours & which ones are someone else’s. If you’re the culprit who’s been manipulating to get what you desire, rethink this. You’re more powerful than the need to use that kind of strategy. Don’t make the Unicorns sad. #tarot <3 www.padmes.com

Padmes Card of the Day—10 of Wands reversed

padmes card of the day 10 of wands reversedPadmes Daily Tarot—10 of Wands reversed

Let go of responsibilities & burdens that are not your own. It’s time for a bit of recon. Being a good friend does not have to include ongoing picking up of slack for someone else, holding space for a secret not your own or taking on someone else’s healing lesson. Healing someone else’s wounds ultimately won’t relieve you or them. It puts your progress on hold & keeps you in the incubator longer. Time to reclaim your space. #tarot