Padmes Card of the Day—10 Of Wands reversed

10 of wands reversed Padmes Daily Tarot10 of Wands reversed —Padmes Daily Tarot

If you’re spinning your wheels with a person or project—time to reevaluate. It’s been long enough to figure out this is getting you nowhere fast, so going at it in the same way is senseless. In fact, changing it up or releasing it all together can help you more than your commitment to win in this way. You can still win when you go through a different door to the same chateau. No more waiting while everyone else eats cake. #tarot <3

Padmes Card of the Day—10 of Wands reversed

padmes card of the day 10 of wands reversedPadmes Daily Tarot—10 of Wands reversed

Let go of responsibilities & burdens that are not your own. It’s time for a bit of recon. Being a good friend does not have to include ongoing picking up of slack for someone else, holding space for a secret not your own or taking on someone else’s healing lesson. Healing someone else’s wounds ultimately won’t relieve you or them. It puts your progress on hold & keeps you in the incubator longer. Time to reclaim your space. #tarot

Aries Tarotscope for October 2014—10 of Wands reversed

Aries Tarotscope Oct. 2014 10 of wands reversedAries Tarotscope October 2014

Oh, Aries, it’s a month to let it all go. All of those burdens that you’ve been giving a home to rest their tired tootsies? It’s time to go and brush your shoulder off, kick them to the curb, let someone else do their bidding. It’s time to free yourself of mundane activities that are taking up too much of your time and sucking your will to live. It’s time to reevaluate what you’re doing that is actually holding you back, stealing your time, and aging you beyond your years and either reestablish a better way of doing things, or seriously drop some things off the cliff.

It being Mercury Retrograde and all, I would suggest waiting to make anything official that needs signing or otherwise lawyering up to change until at least Nov. 1st. Beyond that, it’s the perfect time to plan, brainstorm, and research your next steps. It’s time to take it easy, let go of some stress and hit the hot springs. Soak in a tub for a bit and consider saying NO sometimes. As a matter of fact… Consider saying it several times this month. Overextending your self is bringing on some serious physical symptoms that could be remedied with some good sleep, good food (Not sugar and caffeine), and positive thinking!

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014You could actually be working more efficiently if you let some of these things go that no longer serve you. And most of them aren’t even yours. Stop struggling and start engaging in your best well-being. This retrograde could really serve you if you’re available to listen and receive. It’s okay to be selfish. You can’t take care of everybody anyway when you’re so exhausted that you’re a walking zombie. You have permission to regroup!

Find your Tarotscope:

 Aries October 2014 Tarotscope

Taurus October 2014 Tarotscope

Gemini October 2014 Tarotscope

Cancer October 2014 Tarotscope

Leo October 2014 Tarotscope

Virgo October 2014 Tarotscope

Libra October 2014 Tarotscope

Scorpio October 2014 Tarotscope

Sagittarius October 2014 Tarotscope

Capricorn October 2014 Tarotscope

Aquarius October 2014 Tarotscope

Pisces October 2014 Tarotscope