Leo Tarotscope November 2014

Leo Tarotscope November 2014Leo—King of Pentacles—Big man on campus—Leo Tarotscope November 2014

You’re capable of doing 3 people’s jobs and have the confidence to get charmed results like a boss. When it comes to resources this month, you hib hob with the best of social circles and are able to impress, intrigue, and ignite passion in others to help you on your quest. There’s much to do including a lot of paperwork and little projects that contribute to the whole. Family responsibilities also seem to take precedence when all you want is time to work on the project at hand.

Give yourself some time to get everything together regarding planning and progression. You may feel as if nothing is happening as fast as you want it to, but connections and alignments need time to percolate and come together. Things are actually falling into place quite nicely; you are just working from a very high standard right now. Take it easy and keep in mind the whole picture. Be practical and methodical. You’re on the right track, so keep moving in the direction that you’ve already committed to. Any financial transactions that are well thought out and not spur-of-the-moment are in your favor.

“Try not to become a man of success, but try to be a man of value”—Albert Einstein

Leo Tarotscope November 2014

Though in love you may not get the responses that you were hoping for, reuniting, reconciling, and the energy of settling differences is available to you. You may feel that you are the one compromising in this category; if getting the band back together is what you desire, then so be it—a means to an end.

Spiritual Contemplation for Leo Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

What endings are happening for me right now? How have I learned from them and what can I do in the future to act upon what I have learned from this journey? What are my wishes and desires for this new direction I’m venturing into?

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Pisces Tarotscope November 2014

Pisces Taroscope Novmeber 2014 The MoonPisces—The Moon—So Meta—Pisces Tarotscope November 2014

Sometimes getting caught up in emotions, your own dream world of wishes and wants and fears and anxieties can create a whole world that almost seems like reality… But then the real reality creeps in and you have to deal. This month give yourself time cry crocodile tears for disappointments and long lost times and get ready to have a resurgence into a new you; one that sees the pretty dreams and depths of emotions and applies them to a new way of thinking that grounds into possibilities not available before.

Situations with underlying currents of this former life are bound to make you feel like you’ll never get your way again, or that the tides of fortune are gone forever… Oh, Pisces, the ebb and flow of these emotions are just like the seasons moving through each other. You’ll get your groove back and feel at one with the Universe again, and in seemingly no time at all. Seeing truths for what they are instead of creating a more lovely story will be helpful in your transition into new epiphanies about your life and where you want it to go.

Any work conflicts or personality disagreements are best overcome by initially internalizing your responses. Moving into an argument or dispute is not advised this month for the outcome that you truly wish for. Be gentle w

Padmes Tarotscopes November 2014

ith yourself this month when a visitor or someone who calls irks the bajeesuhs out of you. This is an opportunity to reign in your new life goals and plans for moving onward and accepting where you stand in your own space.

Spiritual Contemplation for Pisces Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

Where have I overstepped boundaries or not seen the boundaries to begin with? How can I be more aware of others in my emotional world? Am I using appropriate energy management and do I need to detach from others and clean up my space?

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Padmes Card of the Day—Ace of Wands reversed

Padmes Daily Tarot Ace of Wands reversedPadmes Daily Tarot‬—Ace of Wands reversed.

Instead of launching something new or venturing off into unknown territory today, focus on what’s right in front of you that needs your attention. There’s time to prospect and plan after you take care of settling some bets, tying up a few strays, and organizing makeup on the vanity. Purging makes room for your future epiphanies to glide right in. ‪#‎padmes‬ ‪#‎tarot‬ ‪#‎tarotreadings‬ ‪#‎metaphysical‬ <3 www.padmes.com

Scorpio November 2014 Tarotscope

Scorpio Tarotscope November 2014Scorpio—Page of Cups reversed—Don’t lose your shit—Scorpio Tarotscope November 2014

Trying to keep it together this month after some uncomfortable confrontations may be your challenge in the coming weeks. Situations that have come to pass that you wished were water under the bridge are all up in your business and it seems you’re the one who has to make the decisions of their outcomes.

Take into consideration how you’re treating the ones who are closest to you. You may be acting out insensitively or being withdrawn when it would be best to show your gratitude and appreciation. Especially with someone you care about who is having a hard time—you may not notice if you’re so in your own head. Talk about your inner child wanting some attention… and not being coy about it. Try to avoid tantrums and make sure you have tea in your purse if you’re prone to panic attacks.

Scorpio Tarotscope November 2014

This whole dynamic that you’re dealing with may feel quite draining. Know when you need to re-juice and set time aside to do just that. Your sensitive side may need some nurturing. It’s okay to engage in a lot of self-care, just be sure to let those in who love you. A spa day may be the perfect thing to share with someone who could use it too.

Spiritual Contemplation for Scorpio Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

In the spirit of becoming aware of my habits or go-to reactions, when am I hardest on myself and how do I punish myself? How can I be more gentle with myself when I’m in crisis or dealing with inner and external conflict?

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Gemini Tarotscope November 2014

Gemini Tarotscope November 2014Gemini—Queen of Wands reversed—Where there’s a will there’s a way, but watch it—Gemini Tarotscope November 2014

This month the Queen is on a rampage and if she doesn’t get what she desires, she will make it go down so that no one does! It’s safe to say that if you’re trying to buy sugar at the hardware store, you’re simply not using your skills appropriately, but if you’re only out to make your dreams come true and you’re stepping on others’ toes, it may be time to offer up some wing tips to the ones you love.

Gemini Tarotscope November 2014

Just because you don’t always get your way doesn’t mean that you never will. Don’t feel this is the last chance at happiness. This month seems to have a dramatic tide attached to it. There may be some relationship wobbles with lovers and friends. Stay steady and don’t jump to conclusions or revenge. It’s time to take a moment before you do something that you would most likely regret.

Your attitude will definitely be a factor in your relationship statuses. Internally holding on to upset and letting boil to the surface to explode is not recommended. A bit of calm will do you well. If you know you’re in a foul mood, don’t go out and play.

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” —Thumper.

Important words to live by this month. Also important, acknowledging old energy so that it can move out and be on its way.

Spiritual Contemplation for Gemini Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

What is it that is so pent up in me that my emotional sarcasm could run my world if I don’t acknowledge it? How can I deal with anger or deep sadness by truly looking at it instead of over it?

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