Finally getting out of muddy waters. This card is a kind of like a sigh of relief. It’s not over yet, but it’s on it’s way. The seeker is moving on, getting away from past upset and old energy, and moving forward into new energy that suits a fresh purpose. It can mean literal travel, short trips, and movement into the future.
This card represents a crossroads in a seeker’s life where the Universe kicks in some luck. It’s a critical point in the seeker’s journey where situations begin to change for the better. Listening to trusted guidance will help. Things that were problematic and seemed like thick brush that was impossible to move through, suddenly parts into a path to allow passage. It’s an acknowledgment that past mistakes are being used as lessons and not being repeated.
When this card is upside down, it can mean a no-go with travel plans or a recent return. It can also refer to the seeker continuing on a path that is not in his or her best interest. They may be having trouble on this path already and this card shows the continuation into troubled waters. Often this can be remedied, but the seeker won’t allow anyone in to help, almost keeping secrets in order to keep the attention turned from what the seeker believes to look like failure.
It can mean pride getting in the way of a solution. When there’s a somewhat logical way to resolve an issue, the seeker is blind to it, not getting advice from others. When you see this card in a spread it shows that there is not quick way for an issue to resolve itself. It’s going to require some time, grace, and self-forgiveness.