Nurturing Indigos and HSPs—Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Trust nurtures unconditional love, a learning process with love as a guiding light.

We must remember that love means the opposite of fear! Isolation is scary. There is nothing kids need more from their parents and community than support, stability, and reassurance. No matter what is presented, the message that change is okay and life works itself out because there is balance, is important to the HSP child. Highly sensitive children need to know they’re okay. They need to know that they will always be loved, even if they’re angry, sad, tired or misunderstood. Creating a safe environment for these kids to thrive is the most important part of their self-empowerment.

Enlightenment in the home comes from uplifting and creative stimuli that surround us and our families, encouragement, trust and unconditional love. All of these powerful ingredients must be present to enable growth of a higher kind. My friend and spiritual counselor for many years, Rev. Anne Roberts, once told me,

“Love is all there is. We are either giving it or asking for it at any given time.”

I find this to be the key and truth in any difficult situation.

Calling upon the power of your own compassion and teaching this way of life by example is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to others. How we support Indigos, Crystals and Rainbows coming into their gifts as highly sensitive kids is a perfect opportunity to generate awareness and unconditional Universal love.

This post is the fifth in a series of five.

Read the first: Creating the Enlightened Nest
Read the second: Nurturing Indigos and HSPs—Environment
Read the third: Nurturing Indigos and HSPs—Encouragement
Read the fourth: Nurturing Indigos and HSPs—Trust

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