Aligning with the New Frequencies—12/12/12 and 12/21/12

pyramids and planets alignToday! December 3, 2012: Mercury, Venus, and Saturn line up with the Giza Pyramids. Planets are aligning on 12/12/12, and the December 21st, 2012 Winter Solstice marks the Golden Age.

Are you ready?

So much talk has been recorded about December 2012 as a spiritual time and major shift in consciousness for everyone on the planet.


Planetary/pyramid alignments, 2 eclipses, Mercury retrograde, and a whole lot more to come!

We are left wondering about our next steps, directions, purposes, and perhaps re evalhearts padmesuating our lives and futures.

12/12/12 and 12/21/12 : These numbers represent occurring frequencies that allow for great healing and DNA downloads. It helps our heart chakras to fully open in order to connect to aspects of the Universe and Universal knowledge previously unavailable.

It’s time to receive information from the light of the Universe not only to awaken, but to integrate into the Oneness Awareness of the Light—who we truly are. It is now time to step into your own power, accept and feel comfortable with that new balance.

Release negativity, fear, and anxiety. Ground, connect to higher self, forgive and let go. Send love and open your heart to receive love.

The  importaforgive Padmesnt things to do on these days is to take time for yourself, center, realign, state your mission for your future, and be part of the wave of love and awareness that will fill you and allow you to help and comfort others to awaken and attune.



12 Represents having Faith that Spirit is speaking to you through repetitive thoughts, ideas, and insights that guide you to improve something in your life, or the life of others. Allow your positive affirmations to lead the way.

—Doreen Virtue

These are perfect days to reconnect to life, redirect your energies, and ask Spirit for guidance. It is time to listen to your higher self and trust.

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