Padmes Card of the Day—5 of Wands

padmes card of the day 5 of wandsPadmes Card of the Day—5 of Wands

Put a little Spirit in your good fortune. A desire to get your way today may surface, and the first impulse may be to fight for it. Slow it down, Homie. You can be on the winning team if you practice a little attitude adjustment. Oh, the attitude of gratitude! If you woke up a little agitated today, it has to do with how honestly you’re perceiving a situation and how authentically you’re responding to your truth. Make the needed adjustments. Peace is found in integrity.

Padmes Card of the Day—4 of Swords

Padmes Card of the Day 4 of SwordsPadmes Card of the Day—4 of Swords

Drop into that heart center today and be prepared to manifest some goodies. If you feel disconnected from someone today, it’s not all in your head, but it’s also not you. So give some space and you’ll win in the end. This is also my “Spa” card… You know what that means! It’s time for a massage and a mani/pedi. Book it. Relax. Give your churning thoughts a little vacay.

Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Wands

padmes card of the day 6 of wandsPadmes Card of the Day—6 of Wands

There is an uncanny ability to overcome frustrations today. A lot can be accomplished by taking a short sabbatical from work and doing something that tunes the heart. Friends are available to you today and suitors too, if you’re single. You might just get swept off your faerie feet! Miracles are afoot, so keep your eyes open. 

Padmes Card of the Day—9 of Swords reversed

padmes card of the day 9 of swords reversedPadmes Card of the Day—9 of Swords reversed

Just when it seemed something was coming to a close, it’s not over yet! A change in heart occurs or a lesson still lingers. What can be looked at differently that you’ve been resistant to process? What can you take the charge out of in order to be on your greatest-good way? Situations are not as bad as they once seemed. Today you can acknowledge them for what they truly are.

Padmes Card of the Month—8 of Wands

8 of Wands padmes card of the month8 of Wands—Hurry it up, Monkey!

Each month I pull a card representing the month’s energy ahead—The 8 of wands sends the message that it’s time to get going! Fast opportunities, open windows, and communications. No time for procrastination! It’s about being in the flow, recognizing this flow and not taking a moment for granted. Time to make choices and get in the game. Fast thinking will get you places this month.

Sudden excitement and celebration is afoot for business junctures. Positive steps forward and progress are apparent. What you are still needing in order to complete a project seemingly falls into alignment without much effort on your part. (However, if there’s a lot of paperwork involved, you might want to give yourself more time to complete it.) Finances are looking up as well. You may have a full client calendar after the synchronistic meetings that occur in the weeks to come. So get ready for greatness!

The 8 of wands is about moving past any stagnation in your life. Things that were bringing you down tend to make a flip as new hope sets in. Thoughts and dreams may turn toward love and romance (conclusions move quickly… so keep in mind which way that pendulum is swinging when it comes to relationships, you don’t have to get caught up in the quickness of the month when it comes to decisions of love whichever way it is headed), or renewed love toward personal projects and business.Keep your attention focused on the goal at hand. Things seem to happen quickly, so be ready for the next steps or to implement new plans after the goal is accomplished.

If it’s time for a confrontation of some kind, a heated discussion rather than a slow and steady approach is what will move things forward. A thank-you note is okay to email instead of snail mail this month—getting the thought across faster rather than “cuter” is more effective at this time.

New approaches to health and fitness can come together for you this month. If you’re looking for new lifestyle changes, take a route that is no nonsense. That class that you’ve been thinking about? Time to sign up and go. That Raw foods diet that you’ve been reading about and going back and forth on? Do it. The Paleo that you fell off of a couple of months ago? Jump back on.This month is full of amazing momentum that is there for you to take full advantage of! Get in the flow and see your thoughts produce the results you’re dreaming about.

September Affirmation: “I step into the heartspace of Universal flow that is the rhythm of my own truth.”