Padmes Daily Tarot—10 of Swords

Padmes Daily Tarot 10 of SwordsPadmes Daily Tarot—10 of Swords

Clarity & complete discernment are needed today regarding health issues, making decisions related to troubled waters, or digging into a work project that requires boundaries or rules. There is no more war to be had. Whatever the situation, coming to terms with what hasn’t worked must surface & be dealt with on a personal level. Trying something new may catapult you into a long lost rhythm that can get you back to your center. #tarot <3

Padmes Card of the Day—The Hermit

Padmes Daily Tarot The HermitPadmesDailyTarot—The Hermit.

A day of self-reflection & honoring your true self. Time to look deep into the windows of your soul to see life’s meaning & motivation for you & you alone. Find answers & contemplate the next step of your path in relation to your evolution. There is a need for this inner journey to take place in space that you hold rather than someone else holding it for you. Your future is created where your focus rests. #tarot #metaphysical #tarotreading <3

Padmes Card of the Day—Knight of Wands

Padmes Card of the Day Knight of WandsPadmes Daily Tarot—Knight of Pentacles

If you’ve been thinking about self-employment or getting your passions revved up to start a project, today is the day! Make intentions to follow through. Quick progress & advancement are afoot. Take care not to burn the candle at both ends and pass out in exhaustion before the project comes full circle. Manage your energy! Mania can lead to big lows and unfinished dreams. This is an adventure! Get ready for possible travel. #tarot <3

Padmes Daily Tarot—Queen of Pentacles

Padmes Daily Tarot Queen of PentaclesPadmes Daily Tarot—The Queen of Pentacles.

Your guides and angels are very accessible today. As the veil gets thinner, you may recognize more synchronicities and getting in touch with a spiritual side of yourself that you trust. Divine energy is around you. Loved ones who have passed are whispering their messages to you. Open your heart and listen. This Queen honors how capable you are at running your life… Take care in filling your thoughts with your passions. #tarot <3

Padmes Card of the Day—Queen of Swords reversed

Padmes Card of the Day Queen of Swords reversedPadmes Daily Tarot—The Queen of Swords reversed.

Today is about gaining control over aspects of your life that you feel you’ve lost. This might feel like being triggered & lacking the wherewithal to get what you need without acting like the age the trigger originated in the first place. You have more control over your situation than you may feel. Dig deep today and take care of that inner child. She looks pissed. You can bring peace if you stand in your awareness. #tarot #tarotreadings #metaphysical <3