Vishuddha Consciousness—A Channel to Heal the Witch Wound

Releasing the Past-Life Charge of being Silenced—Sacred Voice Activation

Quantum Goddess Frequency Training was emotional today. I had a hard time trying to keep it together, speaking through the guided meditation. When I was working on it, I felt strong. I was excited and looking forward to sharing! But when I was actually speaking it out loud for the Quantum Goddess Circle today, I was overwhelmed and could barely keep the tears from rolling.

The Witch Wound is something that has come up a lot in conversation lately, a sect of the collective that has resistance to being seen and being heard. It’s an old, ancient-feeling of fear and way of protection that is known so deeply: the intrinsic knowing of not to reveal for purposes of actual survival.

There were moments in the meditation I had to pause and breathe for a minute before going on. Why did this move me so much? What is swimming around under the surface all the time, that when we put it into our voice, something happens that releases the Truth of what the words are not even close to expressing? A charged relief of being able to finally let it out and let it go. For all of us to acknowledge our Truth together is so powerful and so healing.

The Throat Chakra, the Speak-Your-Truth chakra, is directly affected by our past lives and how we were treated regarding beliefs and the secrecy that had to be kept in order to simply stay alive. In these times we were not allowed to express openly what most resonated with us, and we literally had to act out what we were told to believe as it was physically unsafe to do otherwise. This generated a psychic generational wound that has carried through lifetimes.

Our ancestors harbored this trauma, fear, shame, and grief in their minds and in their bodies. It’s important to address the survival reactions in our nervous systems that we may still possess in present-time.

When we still have triggers and charges in our fields from what we experienced in those lives so long ago, we carry the fear of speaking our Truth in our cells. It moves through the lineage in our DNA. It is inherited trauma rooted in the burning times and looks like, in present time, fear of being powerful. It looks like self-judgment, self-denial, and living half a life. This is the lifetime we can heal from these wounds.

You are Safe, You are Ready, It is Time, Goddess.



Working with the Phases of the Universe

Becoming Friends with the Stars

Today the moon is in Sagittarius. It’s 14.3% illuminated as I write this, with the New Moon phasing in 4 days. My North Node is in Sagittarius, so whenever the moon is there, I feel inspired, energetic, and creatively focused. This day has been no exception. It fascinates me how affected by the magnetism of the moon we are. How hospitals know when it’s a full moon, for instance, with an influx of patients, like clockwork. Like moon-phase work.

When I was born, the moon was a Waning Gibbous. It was still more than 50% illuminated, but getting smaller. I feel like I tend to have more connection and clarity in my creations, but also in what I’m manifesting when the moon is smaller rather than Full. I also notice the floosh of energy as it gets smaller rather than as it’s building. Noticing how you’re synched with the stars and the planets can help you align with everything, all that you do. I’ve been focusing on that more and more. It seems that the more I pay attention to the moon, the more validating the phases for me.

When the moon is full, instead of having a height of energy, like many, I want to swim in it. To float in it. To be still and silent and listen and hear the stars moving. This may have something to do with my moon sign being Pisces…

The Star Goddess immersion started this year, and we’re experimenting with all of these things. Talking about our natal charts, where our planets are, how we react and respond to different transits relating to where those planets hit in our chart. I’m so excited to see what we find. We’ve been doing Moon Goddess Reiki for a while, talking about how we move with the phases, and there’s a definite note of moon phase at birth and fluctuation of energy and creativity relating to that phase.

I’m constantly engaged in understanding how we are all One. How we’re all connected and we’re linked with and through the stars and the Universe. It’s obvious when we start to see the signs. When we pay attention to synchronicities and the moon and who and what we attract and manifest. It simply amazes me how we can change our energy, update it, recalibrate our magnetizing magnet to deflect what we don’t want and align with what we do. Moving energy with intention.

Happy Star Gazing, Goddess!

Am I Gemini or am I Pisces?

AKA The Procession of the Equinoxes and the Fixed Zodiac

When it comes to divination and such, I’m pretty firm in all roads leading to Rome. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about astrology and how it maps our life, draws on our blueprint, it gives us a bit of an outline of our adventures, and can even be seen as the what-to-look-for manual.. so I don’t let anyone tell me there isn’t one.. But what’s the deal with Sidereal and Tropical?

In Vedic astrology my Sun, Moon, Rising are completely different than what they are in Western astrology where I’m Cancer, Pisces, Pisces. In Vedic I’m Gemini, Aquarius, Aquarius! A whole sign difference. That’s because Vedic Astrology uses the sidereal calendar and Western astrology uses the Tropical calendar.

The Sidereal calendar is determined by the movement of the sun through the zodiac, fixed stars. The Tropical calendar follows the seasons, the equinoxes and the solstices.

I tend to pay attention to Tropical because I resonate with that information about myself more. That being said, I had a Jyotish or Vedic chart done and it clearly talked about my mom’s mental and physical illnesses years ago, way before I realized what was going on. They are both worthy and different.

The primary difference between the two systems is where the signs are placed in the sky. The sidereal system used in Vedic, is based on the current position of the constellations while the tropical system is based on the seasons and the sun’s rise to summer and descent to winter throughout the year.

The start of each season marks the start of the four Cardinal signs in the Tropical Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Aries starts Spring Equinox, Cancer starts Summer Solstice, Libra starts Fall Equinox, and Capricorn is the start of Yule, Winter Solstice.

Vedic Astrology also doesn’t use outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. I feel like these planets’ energies are important energies when I look at my own chart. Especially since I’m double Pisces, so being ruled by Neptune (which is considered an outer planet) is important information to me.  Not instead of, but Vedic looks to Rahu, the north node of the Moon, and Ketu, south node of the Moon, known as showdown planets.

Sidereal astrology recognizes the ever-changing distances between earth and the constellations, known as the procession of the equinoxes. Sidereal accounts for this procession, to determine the current position of each zodiac sign. It’s just a totally different way to do it. But that’s why I’m a Gemini in Sidereal vs. a Cancer Sun in Tropical.

My feelings about the two systems are that really they’re not so much comparable as more like 2 different languages, and both can be used in meaningful ways, not just one or the other. I’m also working through my resistance to Air and my attachment to Water, so.. I’ll keep you posted.

Happy Astrologing, Goddess,


The Moon & The 10 of Wands

As a vessel, what do you carry?

I thought about this when I woke up this morning. I had a really upsetting dream-not-dream. (I feel like when we “dream” we meet in the astrals to work things out, see things on a different timeline, heal, and all sorts of things. I don’t believe dreams are brain debris.) This dream-not-dream brought me back to things I’m no longer in the habit of thinking about. They were about my childhood and the cognitive dissonance that I felt on the regular being parented by a mentally ill mother. When I woke up, I was quiet. I felt things that at the time I couldn’t label, but now, so many years later, I can. I felt manipulated, invalidated, and unloved. I am honest with myself, I validate myself, and I am constantly in the work of self-love. I parent myself in these ways now and validate my experiences.

But damn.

Waking up and feeling back into a place that was long ago, will throw a wrench in the day. I checked my calendar, and sure enough, the moon is in Cancer. I’m a Cancer, Pisces, Pisces, so these days for me are usually emotional in some way. The moon is full tomorrow in Cancer. It’s a powerful blast, and Cancer is all about home and family. The illumination of this full moon and what is lit from within the shadows is happening already.

So here we go.

I was talking with a friend and she was channeling her guides. There were 3 and she was one of them, but for now, for this life, she decided to embody a vessel. In this life, she decided to manifest herself a container, a body, and do some experimenting with the filter of the human.

We talked about how she was so emotional and sad at feelings of loss she had because she couldn’t reach her pack while being in this vessel as she had before without it. We talked about how she came to do something with this filter specifically and be different than she normally was as one of her pack. The question was, what was she here to see through this body? This filter? As a vessel, what was she carrying? Her Self. The part of herself that wanted to have this experience and glean knowledge from it in a way she couldn’t without the filter.. but while she’s here, what was she carrying aside from herself?

I asked myself this too and see that I carry all these feelings, feelings and energy that gather, that snowball and grow, and they’re feelings that are not all my own. I took them from my mother. I took them from people around me. Some were osmosed, some were thrown at me, I took them either way. But those things weren’t mine to take. They were for me to figure out that they’re not mine to take.

It’s fascinating and blissfully explosive to me the timelines we’re on, the ones that we share in this life and the ones that we don’t even though we’re interacting, and the Quantum Field of Unified Light that is completely accessible to us for healing.

I know what I’ll be consciously healing, releasing, and carrying today.  I’ll be laying down the responsibilities of others that are not my own. I’ll be releasing agreements that no longer feed my Truth. And I’ll be regaining personal power with reflection this mercury retro, allowing more of my own light in. I choose to carry Light.

Be gentle with you, Goddess.

Happy Right Your Empress Day!

Becoming Aligned with Self-Love

That’s what my cards for today were talking about. The things you have to say NO to in order to maintain what you want for yourself. It’s a solar plexus kind of a day.. Commitment to self. Following your own rules. It’s the kind of thing that 75Hard program is about: keeping promises to yourself. Those are the most important promises. The ones that define your energy, the energy you create in your field and then exude out into the world and the Universe.. So if you don’t keep promises to yourself, your energy says to everyone and everything and to the Universe, “You don’t have to keep promises to me either.”

There’s a little bit of a fear factor there, but ultimately, why would you not keep promises to yourself? We make them because there’s something that is tied to the promise that moves you into a place you want to be. Why do we self-sabotage? Or why do we not when we keep our promises to Self? When do commitments to Self become solid? I feel like it’s when we’re in alignment with our Truth, our will, our mind, and our emotions.

You would think that becoming aligned with Self Love would be a heart chakra thing, but it has a lot to do with what kind of promises you make to yourself: letting yourself know you got your back, you’re here if you fall, you’ll help yourself back up, you won’t let yourself fall. Being able to depend on yourself to listen to your own intuition and act on it no matter what is going on around you.. Ultimately, Self Love is about Self-validating. It’s about worthiness.

Remembering back to when I did 75Hard last year, it was like I was on autopilot. I was in a self-imposed stream of consciousness, like I had a 1-track mind. I was not pushing or forcing or making myself do anything. I was just doing it. I made a decision to follow these steps for a certain amount of time, and I did. For 75 days. Ultimately longer because once you have habits like that built up for 75 days, it’s part of how you live. I was clicked in.

(75Hard is a program where you choose what you want to do within certain parameters and do it for 75 days: 1. choose a diet, I chose the Whole30, but did it for 75 days, 2. you workout twice a day (any workout you choose), each for 45 minutes, one of those has to be outside, 3. you read at least 10 pages of non-fiction per day, 4. drink water, 5. no alcohol, what am I forgetting? That’s pretty close. Oh yeah, if you slide out of your rules, your diet, or skip a workout, you have to start over from day 1. I didn’t slide. It was on like Donkey Kong.)

After 75 days I reevaluated what I wanted to continue. It had been an immaculate detox and helped me to focus on myself, on my self-care. Having that experience helped me to understand that stream of consciousness. I want to cultivate that now in a new way.

My Empress showed up reversed today. When I see that, I immediately inquire, what promises am I not keeping to myself? With a lot of my attention focused on conspiring with the Universe to cocreate this year, I don’t want any mishaps because I’m slackin on the self-validation.. If you’re needing to right your Empress, you’re not alone. Today’s the day.

Happy Right Your Empress Day!