Padmes Card of the Day—The Empress

The Empress Padmes Daily TarotThe Empress—Padmes Daily Tarot

You can relax. You have plenty of time to do all you need to do today while staying in your present mind instead of being frenetically out-of-body. Growth & transcendence will take place when you balance your emotions & logical thinking—respond instead of react. You’ll get more bees with calm, cool, assuredness—being comfortable in your own skin—this morning & this afternoon. Your frequency heals others, you don’t even have to try. #tarot <3

Padmes Card of the Day—The Empress

Padmes Card of the Day The EmpressPadmesDailyTarot—The Empress

A day to deeply connect and nurture self. See a meaningful movie, eat wonderful food, read inspirational words from a favorite book, have under-the-surface conversations, listen to the geese flying overhead, breathe in the air and let the breath roll through your lungs and your whole body. Today can bring youth, vitality, and new beginnings that have risen from places you have already healed. Open you eyes to your Truth. #tarot #newage <3

Cancer Tarotscope November 2014

Cancer Tarotscope November 2014Cancer—The Empress—Get clear on destructive energy hurting your potential—Cancer Tarotscope Novmeber 2014

A turning point for you this month, Cancer. Your future is filled with sparkles in regard to how you perceive your world this month and how you choose to heal and reframe thoughts regarding unkind memories. This is a chance to get in touch with your higher Truth Self and engage in some major self-forgiveness. It is you that has come so far and connected with a part of yourself that would have been hard to see had you not gone through what you have endured.

It’s okay to do the ugly cry. But know that this month is a time for releasing, forgiving, and accepting yourself for the beautiful way you’ve played things out, even if they weren’t popular. You know where you were coming from and you know your soul is sweet and well intentioned. And that’s really all that matters. You can stop with any self-defeating thoughts about others’ feelings toward you. Time to get it together

Cancer Tarotscope November 2014

and move forward with the idea that really it’s only your opinion in your life that matters.

Part of creating a life that you want to “come home to” is about accepting you on your journey, your lessons, and the wisdom that comes from them. You are perfectly perfect, no matter what past patterns or dynamics told you differently.

Spiritual Contemplation for Cancer Tarotscope November 2014; Journal it:

How do I want to connect to the world? What is my best advice to myself? Who can I stop wondering or lamenting about in relation to how they feel about me or what decisions I have made or what past I’ve had? How can I best forgive myself and accept my true being?

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Gemini Tarotscope for October 2014—The Empress

Gemini Tarotscope October 2014Gemini Tarotscope October 2014

What a great card for Gemini this month. Talk about creative energy. And Gemini is all about creating and then creating more. It is said that creativity breeds more creativity, and the Empress is the core of that abundance. Careerwise, this is an abundant move, play, or stretch for you. This is the time when you’re putting it all together and setting up your harvest. It also looks as if you’ve learned from a full past of lessons, some positive, and some not so, but the main ingredient here is education. You’ve had yours in this realm and it’s working for you.

Relationships this month need specific nurturing. Whatever you have to do to bond a relationship together, that’s what you do. Not a time to blow off meetings, gatherings, or lunches. Nurture, nurture, nurture. The grass is greener where you water it. Cultivate your relationships and resources now to be better aligned in the near future when you’ll need these friends to come through.

Padmes Tarotscopes October 2014Communing with the outdoors, being One with nature, taking time to sit in the leaves, hike through the pumpkins and climb through the mountains is a good way to re-energize and ground this Halloween month. Gaining insight and grounding in nature is what will keep you sharp and soft at the same time, rather than all riled up with too much edge. Connection with nature keeps you on your toes and relaxed at the same time when you have to respond on the fly.

Also, a possible month for pregnancy, so take heed!