September’s Reiki Share was Lovely!

“OOh La La” and Tasers…

Goddess Reiki SharesThe full moon was amazing and, as always, the group is wonderful. We touched on a topic that is not often talked about in the share because everyone comes with the greatest of healing intentions—But what if you experience, as a practitioner or as a receiver of a Reiki treatment, something inappropriate, be it a comment, a look, or other. How do we react to these types of behaviors as Lightworkers?

The group had a lot to say. I was grateful that we could talk about this, even though it wasn’t so “Love & Light” of a topic. The consensus revolved around good boundaries, working in a place where you feel safe, and ending a session as soon as you feel uncomfortable. There was also mention of really looking at what is making you uncomfortable. Is it your sensitivity? Or have boundaries really been crossed?

Bottom line: It’s up to you to make sure you’re safe ! So whatever is going on, know that you are supported in this circle if you ever need to talk about an experience or ask a question that’s causing some inner conflict!

For the most part, though, everyone has lovely experiences and amazing clients. Reiki truly is a lifestyle. When you live Reiki you live with compassion, safe boundaries, and love.

Thank you all for a lovely evening! And I hope to see everyone who couldn’t make it next time!
In Love,

Goddess Reiki Share! September 29th, 2012

Goddess Reiki ShareI’m really looking forward to the Goddess Reiki Share this month! It seems like it’s been a long time since our last one—and that blue moon really stirred some things up!

This last Saturday of this month will be the night: 6-9 at CHHC in Lafayette. So come as you are! Bring your crystals, anything you would like to add to the Reiki crystal grid for clearing and charging, and of course, as always, bring your distance Reiki list for those you would like to heal with the amplified energy of the circle—or add to the group list when you get here.

I’m excited to see you ! New lightworkers feel free to come too! This event is for Goddesses (all ladies this time). Check out the Reiki Circle page for more information!

In Love,
