Padmes October Card of the Month—Justice Reversed

Padmes Card of the Month Justice ReversedPadmes October 2014 Card of the Month Justice Reversed

The perfect card for a Mercury Retrograde month! Justice is about fairness and completing cycles with karma—agreements coming full circle and moving on from past decisions that have been settled one way or the other. Because Miss Justice is reversed this month, she has some explaining to do.

It’s important to look at all the facts and figures. Just because you don’t look at what’s right in front of you doesn’t mean it’s not there! Brushing things under the rug will lead to issues later. Dealing with all the cards on the table will help you in the long run! Be honest with yourself and do what you would want others to know you did. Integrity will come back to you. See the truth for what it is instead of trying to water it down or make it different.

For some reason it looks as though being objective might be a challenge this month. So keep your neutrality the best way you can. Jumping the gun can cause problems and delays in the future—or can hurry things up in the wrong way. Make sure you’re dealing with a full deck of info before you leap off the fence into a done deal.

It looks like someone you trust may be a sneaky monkey not revealing all they know. Sometimes survival mode can take over and fear steps in. Make sure you know who reacts with “every chick for herself!” when storms come.

Keeping your emotions at bay while making critical decisions is important. If this is a tricky situation that pulls at the heartstrings or that gets the blood boiling, sleep on it! It’s important that you’re proud of your choices, even if they’re difficult.

Justice reversed shows us the parts of ourselves that are reactive if we let them run without our rule. Coming into your center and deciding what is best for you in your full consciousness is the meditation.

October’s Affirmation: “I am at peace with being in my present moment. I respond when I am coming from my heart-center and I’m balanced in my judgement.” 

Padmes Card of the Day—6 of Cups

padmes card of the day 6 of cupsPadmes Daily Tarot—6 of Cups

In the same Mercury Retrograde vein as the King of Cups yesterday telling us to get our priorities straight, today the 6 of Cups speaks to the past catching up with us. Engagements with old loves, friends, and feelings from long ago may come back to let you know there’s still some healing to be done and patterns to release. Get to it. It’s important to accept and let others be in their process today too. Let it go. <3 #Tarot #Mercuryretrograde

Padmes Card of the Day—King of Pentacles

padmes daily tarot king of pentaclesPadmes Daily Tarot—King of Pentacles

A day to get it together. Anything left hanging needs to be tied up in a perfect bow. Tend the practical fields. It’s almost like this king is telling us to get ready for Mercury Retrograde (Oct. 6-25). If there’s anything left to be battened down, hurry it up, homey! The communication storms are about to hit. Have all of your ducks in a row first so there’s less to be chasing after. Trust the tried & true today.

Padmes Daily Tarot—Seven of Pentacles reversed

padmes card of the day seven of pentaclesPadmes Daily Tarot—Seven of Pentacles reversed

A need to reevaluate what you’re procrastinating about. It’s time to take into consideration adjustments so that progress can be attained with greater ease. Playing hooky is not the answer unless you’re using that time to get a bird’s eye view. Business decisions should be looked at diligently and with care before action is taken. Sometimes purging is the best thing as it leaves room for more of the good stuff. <3 #tarotreadings

Padmes Daily Tarot—7 of Swords

om mani padme hum 7 of swordsPadmes Daily Tarot—7 of Swords

Take what resonates with you & leave the rest behind. When it sounds too good to be true, make sure you have all the information… This cat is a sneaky mother trucker. He’s looking to find something for nothing & doesn’t care about his “word,” or your reputation. No need to use someone else’s words against them this evening. They already know they can’t commit. Don’t set your purse down or leave it in the car today. <3 #tarot #metaphysical