Padmes October Card of the Month—Justice Reversed

Padmes Card of the Month Justice ReversedPadmes October 2014 Card of the Month Justice Reversed

The perfect card for a Mercury Retrograde month! Justice is about fairness and completing cycles with karma—agreements coming full circle and moving on from past decisions that have been settled one way or the other. Because Miss Justice is reversed this month, she has some explaining to do.

It’s important to look at all the facts and figures. Just because you don’t look at what’s right in front of you doesn’t mean it’s not there! Brushing things under the rug will lead to issues later. Dealing with all the cards on the table will help you in the long run! Be honest with yourself and do what you would want others to know you did. Integrity will come back to you. See the truth for what it is instead of trying to water it down or make it different.

For some reason it looks as though being objective might be a challenge this month. So keep your neutrality the best way you can. Jumping the gun can cause problems and delays in the future—or can hurry things up in the wrong way. Make sure you’re dealing with a full deck of info before you leap off the fence into a done deal.

It looks like someone you trust may be a sneaky monkey not revealing all they know. Sometimes survival mode can take over and fear steps in. Make sure you know who reacts with “every chick for herself!” when storms come.

Keeping your emotions at bay while making critical decisions is important. If this is a tricky situation that pulls at the heartstrings or that gets the blood boiling, sleep on it! It’s important that you’re proud of your choices, even if they’re difficult.

Justice reversed shows us the parts of ourselves that are reactive if we let them run without our rule. Coming into your center and deciding what is best for you in your full consciousness is the meditation.

October’s Affirmation: “I am at peace with being in my present moment. I respond when I am coming from my heart-center and I’m balanced in my judgement.” 

Padmes Card of the Month—8 of Wands

8 of Wands padmes card of the month8 of Wands—Hurry it up, Monkey!

Each month I pull a card representing the month’s energy ahead—The 8 of wands sends the message that it’s time to get going! Fast opportunities, open windows, and communications. No time for procrastination! It’s about being in the flow, recognizing this flow and not taking a moment for granted. Time to make choices and get in the game. Fast thinking will get you places this month.

Sudden excitement and celebration is afoot for business junctures. Positive steps forward and progress are apparent. What you are still needing in order to complete a project seemingly falls into alignment without much effort on your part. (However, if there’s a lot of paperwork involved, you might want to give yourself more time to complete it.) Finances are looking up as well. You may have a full client calendar after the synchronistic meetings that occur in the weeks to come. So get ready for greatness!

The 8 of wands is about moving past any stagnation in your life. Things that were bringing you down tend to make a flip as new hope sets in. Thoughts and dreams may turn toward love and romance (conclusions move quickly… so keep in mind which way that pendulum is swinging when it comes to relationships, you don’t have to get caught up in the quickness of the month when it comes to decisions of love whichever way it is headed), or renewed love toward personal projects and business.Keep your attention focused on the goal at hand. Things seem to happen quickly, so be ready for the next steps or to implement new plans after the goal is accomplished.

If it’s time for a confrontation of some kind, a heated discussion rather than a slow and steady approach is what will move things forward. A thank-you note is okay to email instead of snail mail this month—getting the thought across faster rather than “cuter” is more effective at this time.

New approaches to health and fitness can come together for you this month. If you’re looking for new lifestyle changes, take a route that is no nonsense. That class that you’ve been thinking about? Time to sign up and go. That Raw foods diet that you’ve been reading about and going back and forth on? Do it. The Paleo that you fell off of a couple of months ago? Jump back on.This month is full of amazing momentum that is there for you to take full advantage of! Get in the flow and see your thoughts produce the results you’re dreaming about.

September Affirmation: “I step into the heartspace of Universal flow that is the rhythm of my own truth.”

The Fitting Card of the Month: 7 of Wands —Take Action to Honor Your Worth!

Padmes January Card of the MonthHappy New Year! Yes, the 7 of Wands is about making resolutions and sticking to them!

It’s time to make life changes and decisions that are long-lasting and truly beneficial for your quality of life. SELF CARE is the main idea here: the importance of knowing your worth and taking care because you hold the spark within you that is Divine. When this card is drawn there is a need for working toward better things for yourself and the betterment of situations by taking action-steps to honor your worth.

When life, situations, or your environment get rocky, the 7 of wands tells you not to back down. When you don’t feel like tuning in, do it anyway. This month is not about giving your power away. On the contrary, this month is about easily aligning with your power by deep grounding in self-acceptance. I AM That I AM, Word I AM Word. You are here for a purpose, now flow into it.

Standing up for yourself and your opinions is a must in January. “My way or the Highway” is this month’s motto. Standing your ground and leaning into your truth when it comes to career and finances will bode well for you this month.

Healthwise, you are the ultimate decider. You know what your body needs. Your friend benefits from running, but your body may be better off doing Barre class. You know which is best for you, and you don’t have to sway or be talked into anything. Do what you know is best for your body. Same goes for your diet. Your friend is vegan, and your body craves meat for its protein. Bless it and eat it. This is your intuition that tells you what is best for you.

When it comes to conflict this month, it’s imperative to hold strong on what is important to you. In the long run, your comfort with this issue(s) will make a difference in a part of your life that you don’t want to compromise on for future progression.

January is about really listening to yourself, your body and your heart. Honor your own opinion and trust your feelings in order to move forward in your flow.
Padmes Reiki Readings & Soul Path Healing