Padmes Daily Tarot—5 of Swords

Padmes Daily Tarot 5 of swords5 of Swords—Padmes Card of the Day

An event or actions of an ambitious-to-a-fault jealous someone can be a bolder on your path if you don’t hold your space. You can fight or lay down your sword and live to fight another day. This is a day to remember, “You gotta know when to hold’em. Know when to fold’em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.” It’s up to you, but this can be over now, or affect you for months to come. Your being right doesn’t need to be proven. #tarot <3

Aries Tarotscope December 2014

Aries Tarotscope December 20144 of Pentacles reversed—Aries Tarotscope December 2014

Exciting business ventures are ahead that show promise and profit! Opening your heart to receive is the best decision you’ll ever make. Walk away from anything that holds you in fear around money. If you are about to take that plunge into open heart awareness and manifesting, it’s important to let go of anyone who keeps you down in poverty consciousness when you’re trying to rise up out of it! Get clear of anyone else’s energy in your space that tells you money is hard to get, hard to keep, and hard to manage. You got this.

You really can have it all when you believe you can and when the negativity, which is truly fear, from others is out of your space. Moving into a place where you can feel safe to create is perfect this month. The New Year is full of adventure for you, Aries, and this is just the start. You making your own rules and letting go of all that control! The surrender is what sets you free!

It’s a month to identify what is truly important and what you can let go. Things are things. They come and go. Attachment to things can be draining and keep you from truly hearing what your heart is saying in terms of what is really important to you. You don’t have to be run by things. They don’t have the upper hand. You do. So you tell those things where to go.

Aries Tarotscope December 20144 of Pentacles reversed with the Card of the Month—Knight of Wands reversed:

Cautionary note: Don’t invest in something financially that is feeling like a hard-sell or you’re not sure if you should go through with it, but perhaps feel like giving in. Only invest in what you full-heartedly know you love or that feels like a winning and grounded venture. There may be someone who tries to persuade you who is looking out for number 1, and they’re not putting you at the top of the list… This could go sideways and it will all be on you. No means no. It does not require an explanation.

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Padmes Daily Tarot—10 of Wands

Padmes Card of the Day 10 of Wands 10 of Wands—Padmes Card of the Day

Cutting cords & releasing agreements with others can be tricky & hard to do, but it’s time to give responsibilities back that you’ve taken on as your own. Time to delegate & hand over the torch for things that keep you from your greatest good, that keep you exhausted, & preoccupado, unable to move forward with your next great transition. Today is about letting go of karmic agreements. A come to Jesus meeting of sorts. A decision. #Tarot <3

Card of the Month—Knight of Wands reversed

Padmes Card of the Month Knight of wands reversedThis month is about looking into your soul and moving away from anyone and anything that comes between you and your Divine purpose. When business endeavors or choices don’t pan out the way you expected, it’s not that you’re way off base. It’s that the Universe is tracking your every move and helping you get to that place of aligned presence. The proximity of your goals and your dreams—so close! Not a month to give up on anything, just entertain a different way to pursue the direction you’re going.

If there’s something that feels out of sync, take a look at what you can do differently. Passion and momentum are upon you, the logistics are coming together. There’s a need to let things play out a bit more before action. In order to see what it is that needs to be done, you’ll have to have some patience, even if that drives you a little crazy. Get deep into that truth center and acknowledge that you are fully supported. This month can be a test to your understanding your full truth potential. You can feel this and respond to the new roads opening in your favor.

Your attitude navigates a lot of your projects and outcomes between now and the new year. Raising your frequency and focusing your attentions to your goals’ accomplishment without judgement can not only be challenging… But feasible! You’re in the short stretch. You can get there if you tap into that well of wisdom. You can also tap into the self-doubt and doldrums this month and fill yourself with anxiety which can shut you down like a rolling black out of unconsciousness. Choose wisely. Why not choose with amusement?

“You cannot solve a problem with the same energy in which it was created.” —Albert Einstein

Affirmation for December 2015 “I fully embrace and embody my potential as a dream maker and outcome creator. I envision my truth and watch it unfold before me.”

Pisces Tarotscope December 2014

Pisces Tarotscope December 2014Page of Cups—Pisces Tarotscope December 2014

Creative abandon and unexpected opportunities and gifts abound. Some strategic planning for work ends up looking like a lot of fun and celebration with you being the center of attention and the life of the party. Being open to the unexpected and welcoming it with wide arms will bring you great success in your endeavors in the coming months. Birth and rebirth are dangling in the air for you to grab and run with.

New relationships, whether romantic or business partnering, can jolt electricity, amazing creative collaboration, and spark a spontaneity that keeps you creating. (Creativity creates creativity!) This new friend brings re-energized thinking to projects you placed on the shelf a long time ago. It’s time to take that vigor and use it for propelling yourself into your next big adventure in the New Year!

Talk about releasing patterns that no longer serve you—you have a light that just flickered on after all this time that is making your path clear to you. This new direction becomes you. The more you respond to it, the brighter it gets.

Pisces Tarotscope December 2014Page of Cups with the Card of the Month—Knight of Wands reversed:

Be careful to place your needs at the top of the priority list… This means that you have to take care of you before you take care of others (or entertain them!). There is that little something in the air with all your sparkly creativity that has someone either jealous, or wanting that energy that shines more than they perceive theirs to shine. Don’t give your milk away for free and don’t give in to someone who is taking you for granted.

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